[née WilckeWülcke]
Member of Bach family.
(b Sept 22, 1701, Zeitz; d Feb 17, 1760, Leipzig). German singer, keyboard player, music copyist, teacher, and the second wife of Johann Sebastian Bach. Surviving contemporary documents, including those signed by her, use a German feminine form for her married surname, ‘Bachin.’ She began her career as a well-paid musician; in various documents she is called ‘princely court Singer’ (fürstl[liche]. Sängerin); ‘chamber musician’ (Cammer-Musicantin) and ‘Frau Capellmeisterin’ (Madame Music-Director); she was an integral collaborator in the Bach family’s musical success. Later in her life, she acted as music manager of Leipzig church services and as sales agent for influential musical works such as her husband’s Art of Fugue (
Anna Magdalena Wilcke was born into a family of musicians. Her mother, Margaretha Elisabeth Wilcke née Liebe (...