Celtic chant 7. Notated sources.: Ex.1 Two antiphons adapted from a 13th-century breviary from Caen (F-Pa 279, f.214v): (a) Ibunt sancti (b) Crucem sanctam
Celtic chant 7. Notated sources.: Ex.1 Two antiphons adapted from a 13th-century breviary from Caen (F-Pa 279, f.214v): (a) Ibunt sancti (b) Crucem sanctam
Celtic chant 7. Notated sources.: Ex.3 Transcription of colophon in three-part polyphony from Cormac’s Psalter (GB-Lbl Add.36929, f.59r)
Celtic chant 7. Notated sources.: Ex.3 Transcription of colophon in three-part polyphony from Cormac’s Psalter (GB-Lbl Add.36929, f.59r)
Celtic chant 7. Notated sources.: Ex.2 First strophe of the hymn Mediae noctis tempore, adapted from a central or south Italian hymnary of the first half of the 13th century (D-Bsb Hamilton 688, ff.33–4)
Celtic chant 7. Notated sources.: Ex.2 First strophe of the hymn Mediae noctis tempore, adapted from a central or south Italian hymnary of the first half of the 13th century (D-Bsb Hamilton 688, ff.33–4)
Celtic chant 7. Notated sources.: Ex.4 Vespers responsory from the Office of St Colmcille (Columba), Inchcolm Antiphoner (GB-Eu 211.iv, f.2r, 14th century)
Celtic chant 7. Notated sources.: Ex.4 Vespers responsory from the Office of St Colmcille (Columba), Inchcolm Antiphoner (GB-Eu 211.iv, f.2r, 14th century)