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Courante 2. Corrente.: Ex.1 Typical hop–step pattern of the corrente, C. Negri: Nuove inventioni di balli, 1604

Ex.1 Typical hop–step pattern of the corrente, C. Negri: Nuove inventioni di balli, 1604

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Courante 2. Corrente.: Ex.3 G. Frescobaldi: Il secondo libro di toccate, canzone, versi d’hinni, Magnificat, gagliarde, correnti et altre partite, 1627 (a) (b)

Ex.3 G. Frescobaldi: Il secondo libro di toccate, canzone, versi d’hinni, Magnificat, gagliarde, correnti et altre partite, 1627 (a) (b)

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Courante 3. Courante.: Ex.6 L. Pécour: La Bourgogne (Recüeil de dances, 1700, p.43, Little and Marsh, no.1560a)

Ex.6 L. Pécour: La Bourgogne (Recüeil de dances, 1700, p.43, Little and Marsh, no.1560a)

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Courante 3. Courante.: Ex.7 R. Ballard: Premier livre d’intabulations pour la luth (1611)

Ex.7 R. Ballard: Premier livre d’intabulations pour la luth (1611)

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Courante 2. Corrente.: Ex.4 A. Corelli: Sonata for 2 violins and continuo, op.4 no.2

Ex.4 A. Corelli: Sonata for 2 violins and continuo, op.4 no.2

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Courante 3. Courante.: Ex.8 J.-C. de Chambonnières: Pièces de clavessin (1670)

Ex.8 J.-C. de Chambonnières: Pièces de clavessin (1670)

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Early Music
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Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France
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