M. Benoit: Musiques de cour: chapelle, chambre, écurie, 1661-1733 (Paris, 1971)
C. Burney: A General History of Music from the Earliest Ages to the Present Period (London, 1776-89); ed. F. Mercer (London, 1935/R) [p. nos. refer to this edn]
Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Universitätsbibliothek, Abteilung Handschriften, Nachlässe, Alte Drucke
Journal of the American Musicological Society
Galpin Society Journal
Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, Dept of Manuscripts and Printed Books
Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association
M. Praetorius: Theatrum instrumentorum [pt ii/2 of PraetoriusSM]
Revue de musicologie
Recherches sur la musique française classique
Early Music History
Annales musicologiques
M. Mersenne: Harmonie universelle
Early Music
Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society
E.H. Meyer: English Chamber Music (London, 1946/R, rev. 3/1982 with D. Poulton as Early English Chamber Music)
Journal of the Viola da Gamba Society of America
S. Virdung: Musica getutscht (Basle, 1511/R)
Musical Quarterly
London, British Library
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France
floruit [flourished]
H.M. Brown: Instrumental Music Printed Before 1600: a Bibliography (Cambridge, MA, 1965)
M. Praetorius: Syntagma musicum, i (Wittenberg and Wolfenbüttel, 1614-15, 2/1615/R); ii (Wolfenbüttel, 1618, 2/1619/R; Eng. trans., 1986, 2/1991); iii (Wolfenbüttel, 1618, 2/1619/R)