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Béla Bartók

Béla Bartók

Budapest Bartók Achives

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Béla Bartók, aged 22

Béla Bartók, aged 22

Budapest Bartók Achives

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Bartók, Béla 3. 1908–14.: Ex.1 Romanian Folk Dances (1915), movt 3, 1–8

Bartók, Béla 3. 1908–14.: Ex.1 Romanian Folk Dances (1915), movt 3, 1–8

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Bartók, Béla 3. 1908–14.: Ex.2 Improvisations op.20 (1920), movt 7, 29–33

Bartók, Béla 3. 1908–14.: Ex.2 Improvisations op.20 (1920), movt 7, 29–33

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Bartók, Béla 3. 1908–14.: Ex.3 Ten Easy Pieces (1908), ‘Evening in Transylvania’, 30–1

Bartók, Béla 3. 1908–14.: Ex.3 Ten Easy Pieces (1908), ‘Evening in Transylvania’, 30–1

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Bartók with Kodály (front right) and the Waldbauer-Kerpely Quartet (from left to right): Jenő Kerpely, Imre Waldbauer, Antal Molnár, János Temesváry

Bartók with Kodály (front right) and the Waldbauer-Kerpely Quartet (from left to right): Jenő Kerpely, Imre Waldbauer, Antal Molnár, János Temesváry

Budapest Bartók Achives

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Bartók, Béla 5. 1926–34. 7. 1940–45.: Ex.4 Nine Little Piano Pieces, Menuetto, 3–4, 9–10

Bartók, Béla 5. 1926–34. 7. 1940–45.: Ex.4 Nine Little Piano Pieces, Menuetto, 3–4, 9–10

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Bartók, Béla 6. 1934–40.: Ex.5 Lydian-Phrygian polymodal chromaticism

Bartók, Béla 6. 1934–40.: Ex.5 Lydian-Phrygian polymodal chromaticism

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Bartók, Béla 6. 1934–40.: Ex.6 Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta: chromatic and ‘acoustic’ scalar bases, movt 1, 1–4 and movt 4, 203–8

Bartók, Béla 6. 1934–40.: Ex.6 Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta: chromatic and ‘acoustic’ scalar bases, movt 1, 1–4 and movt 4, 203–8

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