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Brevi, Giovanni Battistalocked

Brevi, Giovanni Battistalocked

  • Sergio Martinotti

(b Bergamo, c1650; d Milan, after 1725). Italian composer and organist. He was organist of S Maria Maggiore, Bergamo, by 1679 and choirmaster and organist at the cathedral there from 1680 to 1693. From 1695 he was choirmaster at S Maria del Carmine and S Francesco, Milan, and he also held a similar post at the Jesuit church of S Fedele there. In his publication of 1725 he was still described as choirmaster of many notable churches in Milan. In Novara in 1711 he took part as an organist in the ceremonies held in connection with the transfer of the relics of St Gaudentius. His music shows the influence of several of his important contemporaries, among them G.B. Vitali, Legrenzi and Bassani. His vocal works are distinguished by the noble, austere expressiveness of their ariosos and recitatives.



Il trionfo della gloria nelle mestitie del Brenno, Bergamo, 1685

Il trionfo di S Antonio da Padoa contro il vizio, la morte e il demonio, Bergamo, 1685

L'innocenza patrocinata dal miracoloso santo di Padoa, Milan, 1696

I funerali del Redentore, Milan, 1706

L'innocenza difesa dal gran santo di Padoa, Milan, 1708

Concerto di dolori tra il figliuolo e la madre, la passione di Gesù ed il pianto di Maria, Milan, 1709

Davide a Tibirinto, Milan, 1709

Il martire di desiderio, Milan, S Francesco, 1717, full score (Milan, 1717)

Other works

Le forze d'amore

cantate, libro I, 1v, bc, op.1 (Bologna, 1691)

Metri sacri

motetti, libro I, 1v, bc, op.2 (Venice, 1692)

3 cants. ed. R. Ewerhart, Cantio sacra, xxv, xxxiv (Cologne, 1957–61)

Bizzarie armoniche, overo Sonate da camera, libro I, a 3, bc, op.3 (Bologna, 1693)

I delirii d'amor divino

cantate morali, libro I, 1v, bc, op.5 (Modena, 1695; enlarged 2/1706)

La catena d'oro

[24] ariette da camera, libro II, 1v, bc, op.6 (Modena, 1696)

Cantate, ed' ariette da camera, libro IV, 1v, bc, op.7 (Modena, 1696)

L'Etna festiva

introduttione di ballo (Milan, 1696)

La devotione canora

motetti, libro II, 1v, bc, op.8 (Modena, 1699)

[6] Tantum ergo, libro I, 1v, bc, op.9 (Venice, 1725)

3 Lat. sacred works, ed. R. Ewerhart, Cantio sacra, xi, xxv, xxxiv (Cologne, 1957–61)

Primi elementi di musica per li principianti (Venice, 1699)


  • G. Donati-Petteni: L'arte della musica in Bergamo (Bergamo, 1930)
  • A. Geddo: Bergamo e la musica (Bergamo, 1958)