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Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.1

Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.1

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Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.2

Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.2

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Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.3

Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.3

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Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.4

Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.4

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Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.6

Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.6

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Motet I. Middle Ages 2. England, 13th and early 14th centuries.: Ex.7 Pes of GB-Ob 20, no.10

Motet I. Middle Ages 2. England, 13th and early 14th centuries.: Ex.7 Pes of GB-Ob 20, no.10

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Motet I. Middle Ages 2. England, 13th and early 14th centuries.: Ex.8

Motet I. Middle Ages 2. England, 13th and early 14th centuries.: Ex.8

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Motet I. Middle Ages 3. France, Ars Nova.: Ex.9 Machaut tenors

Motet I. Middle Ages 3. France, Ars Nova.: Ex.9 Machaut tenors

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Motet II. Renaissance 1. Du Fay and his contemporaries.: Ex.10 Power: Ave regina celorum

Motet II. Renaissance 1. Du Fay and his contemporaries.: Ex.10 Power: Ave regina celorum

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Motet II. Renaissance 1. Du Fay and his contemporaries.: Ex.11 Du Fay: Ave regina celorum (ii)

Motet II. Renaissance 1. Du Fay and his contemporaries.: Ex.11 Du Fay: Ave regina celorum (ii)

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Motet II. Renaissance 1. Du Fay and his contemporaries.: Ex.12 Du Fay: Ave regina celorum (iii)

Motet II. Renaissance 1. Du Fay and his contemporaries.: Ex.12 Du Fay: Ave regina celorum (iii)

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Motet II. Renaissance 2. Later 15th century.: Ex.13 Weerbeke: Ave regina caelorum

Motet II. Renaissance 2. Later 15th century.: Ex.13 Weerbeke: Ave regina caelorum

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Motet II. Renaissance 3. Josquin Des Prez.: Ex.14

Motet II. Renaissance 3. Josquin Des Prez.: Ex.14

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Motet II. Renaissance 3. Josquin Des Prez.: Ex.15 Josquin: Miserere mei, Deus

Motet II. Renaissance 3. Josquin Des Prez.: Ex.15 Josquin: Miserere mei, Deus

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Motet II. Renaissance 4. Josquin's contemporaries and successors. (ii) Netherlands. 6. Later 16th century.: Ex.16 Gombert: Media vita

Motet II. Renaissance 4. Josquin's contemporaries and successors. (ii) Netherlands. 6. Later 16th century.: Ex.16 Gombert: Media vita

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Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.5 D-BAs Lit.115, no.36

Motet I. Middle Ages 1. France, Ars Antiqua.: Ex.5 D-BAs Lit.115, no.36

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