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Ovcharenko, Halyna (Ivanovna)locked

Ovcharenko, Halyna (Ivanovna)locked

  • Nina Sergeyevna Shurova

(b Novodruzhevka settlement, Lugansk province, July 9, 1963). Ukrainian composer. A graduate of Ishchenko's class at the Kiev Conservatory (1987), she taught at the Lysenko Middle School (1990–93) before lecturing at the pedagogical institute in Sumy. She is a laureate of the Kiev Festival competition (1992 and 1995) and of the Leontovych Prize (1992). The main trend in her work is determined by rural folklore (she has sung in and directed folk ensembles) and folk music forms the basis of all of her compositions. In her attempts to breathe symphonic life into folksong, she has encountered the problem of amalgamating folk sources and frequently complex contemporary techniques. She is especially attracted to choral cycles; Chumats′ki pisni (‘Songs of the Oxcart Drivers’) is based on seasonal texts and games, while the more recent Opalyonnaya mal′va (‘The Sun-Scorched Mallow’) deals with the Chernobyl tragedy. In Predkovichne (‘Ancestry’) she exhibits a deep sympathy for the pagan roots of Ukrainian culture and its relevance to the position of humanity in the universe.


(selective list)

Children's Pictures, 6 pieces, 1v, pf, 1980

5 Preludes, pf, 1982

Pf Sonata, 1985

Cant., solo vv, children's choir, orch, 1987

Chumats′ki pisni [Songs of the Oxcart Drivers] (cant.), male chorus, 1989

Vesnovyi [Vernal song], choir, 1989

Dribushechki [Rapid Platter Dance], orch, 1992

Opalyonnaya mal′va [The Sun-Scorched Mallow] (cant.), solo vv, spkr, chorus, orch, 1992

Toccata, tpt, 1993

Charivniy svit u skalkakh l′odu [The Wizard World in Pieces of Ice], 2 pf, 1994

Gopak, 2 pf, 1994

Everlasting (trad.), vv, orch, 1995

Khytalasya tisha u nebi [The Lulling Silence of Heaven], brass qnt, 1995

2 Pieces for an Inspired Clarinetist, 1995

Invocation of Rain (trad.), 1v, 4 perc, 1996

Negative of Sketch (op, S. Vitkevich), 1996

Str Qt, 1996

Transformations, orch, 1997

Moods (W.B. Yeats), choir, 1997

Illusion, 18 solo str, 1997

Le nonsense (E. Lear), hp, authentic voices, 1998

Studies in Witchcraft, orch, 1999

MSS in UA-Km; Ukraine Ministry of Culture

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Kiev, Spilka Kompozytoriv Ukrainy, Centr. 'Muz. Inform'