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date: 08 February 2025

Živković, Mirjanafree

Živković, Mirjanafree

  • Ivana Medić

Updated in this version

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(b Split, May 3, 1935; d Belgrade, April 27, 2020). Serbian composer. She studied composition with Stanojlo Rajičić at the Belgrade Music Academy (graduated in 1964) and literature at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. She continued her studies with Olivier Messiaen and Nadia Boulanger in Paris (1967–8), and then completed postgraduate studies with Rajičić in 1974. She was appointed professor of harmony and music pedagogy at the Belgrade Music Academy (now Faculty of Music). She wrote a number of textbooks for music students (Harmony, Instrumental Counterpoint), didactic essays, and analytical studies of works by 20th-century Serbian composers. She was a leading specialist in Josip Slavenski’s oeuvre. She won numerous awards, including the Stevan Hristić Prize for her Sinfonia polifonica (1964), first prize of the Conservatorie in Fontainebleau for Basma [Incantation] for mezzo soprano and 4 timpani (1964), and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Serbian Music and Ballet Pedagogues.

Her early works are freely atonal, with a highly charged emotional tone verging on expressionism. Later, she returned to the concept of extended tonality. She was a master of polyphonic writing: works such as Zaboravljeni kontrapunkt (‘Forgotten Counterpoint’, 1980) show a great economy of musical means. A composer with a particular affinity for strings, she wrote numerous solo and chamber works for string instruments.


(selective list)

Wind Quintet, 1962

Sinfonia poliphonica, orch, 1964

Passacaglia, vn, 1965

Symphonic Torso, orch, 1967

Basma [Incantation], Mez, 4 timp, 1968

Koncertantne metamorfoze [Metamorphoses Concertante], pf, orch, 1974

4 pohvale [4 Praises], Mez, pf, 1975

Zapis [Inscription], v pfn, pf, 1975

Glasovi [Voices], hpd/pf, 1979

Zaboravljeni kontrapunkt [Forgotten Counterpoint], S, A, T, B, 1980

Sonatina, vn, pf, 1983

Tri narodne [Three Folksongs], female chorus, 1985

Iz ničije zemlje [Out of Nobody’s Land], Mez, pf, 1991

Duo, vn, vc, 1992

Ballad no.1, pf, 2001

Letnja noć [Summer Night], accdn, 2004

Adagio, ob, str orch, 2008

Ballad no.2 Fragmenti sećanja [Fragments of Memories], pf, 2009

Kružna melodija [Circular Melody], ob, 2010

Sonata, vc, pf, 2011

Agitato, vn, hp, 2013

Nove folklorne intonacije [New Folklore Intonations], 2fl, 2013