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Sources, MS I. Introduction 6. The study of manuscripts.: Ex.1

Sources, MS I. Introduction 6. The study of manuscripts.: Ex.1

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Nuremberg, Stadtbibliothek, Will III 792, f.35, c1670 and after: two versions of the ‘Schwarzer Ton’, the first (following Puschman) with the text ‘Vor Jaren sass’; for transcription see Ton (i), ex.1

Nuremberg, Stadtbibliothek, Will III 792, f.35, c1670 and after: two versions of the ‘Schwarzer Ton’, the first (following Puschman) with the text ‘Vor Jaren sass’; for transcription see Ton (i), ex.1

Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg

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Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 473 (Winchester Troper), ff.96r, 81v, 154v (from Frere, 1894, pls.22, 4, 21). Music performed simultaneously but notated in different parts of the MS: (a) prosa, (b) sequence, (c) organal voice for sequence

Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 473 (Winchester Troper), ff.96r, 81v, 154v (from Frere, 1894, pls.22, 4, 21). Music performed simultaneously but notated in different parts of the MS: (a) prosa, (b) sequence, (c) organal voice for sequence