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Havenstein, Birgitlocked

Havenstein, Birgitlocked

  • Birgitta Maria Schmid

(b Berlin, Jan 4, 1954). German composer and flautist. She attended the Städtisches Konservatorium, Berlin, for her earliest musical training, after which she studied music education in Berlin, flute at the Berlin Hochschule der Künste, as well as in Zürich with André Jaunet, and composition (also at the Hochschule) with Witold Szalonek. The first performance of her Szene für Orchester was given by the Berlin PO in 1985 and the work was awarded a prize the same year at the Forum Junger Deutscher Komponisten für Orchestermusik. She also received prizes at the eighth international composition competition of the 1988 Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker for her Graffiti for flute, cello and harp. Her early works are predominantly for flute.


(selective list)


Chamber and inst

Jeu, fl, 1982

5 intermezzi, fl, 1983

4 Gedichte (H. Budde), fl, Sprechstimme, 1984

Fragen, fl, spkr, 1984

Suite, fl, 1985

Niemals vergessen! (collage, Budde), fl, spkr, 1985, Lament, str qt, 1985

‘alles Vergessene schreit im Traum um Hilfe’: Graffiti, fl, vc, harp, 1987

Qarrtsiluni-Stille, fl, 1989

Im Jasmin, anagram, vc, 1989


  • ‘Birgit Havenstein’, Komponistinnen in Berlin, ed. B. Brand and others (Berlin, 1987), 315–18