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Xosroviduxt [Khosrovidukht ]locked

Xosroviduxt [Khosrovidukht ]locked

  • Şahan Arzruni

( fl early 8th century). Armenian hymnographer and poet . Following the abduction of her brother by Muslim Arabs, Xosroviduxt, who was of royal blood, was taken to the fortress of Ani-Kamakh (now Kemah), where she lived in isolation for 20 years. She is reported to have written the šarakan (canonical hymn), ‘Zarmanali ē inj’ (‘Wondrous it is to me’), which honours the memory of her brother, killed in 737 for reclaiming his Christian faith. Despite its secular subject, this florid šarakan has been sanctioned by the Armenian Church for use during service.


  • L. Ališan: Hušikk‘ hayreneac‘ hayoc‘ [Memories from the Land of the Armenians], ii (St Lazar, 2/1921), 136
  • H. Ačaṙyan: Hayoc‘ anjnanunneri bararan [Dictionary of Armenian Proper Names] (Beirut, 2/1972), 539
  • D. Der Hovanessian and M. Margossian, trans. and eds.: Anthology of Armenian Poetry (New York, 1978), 43–4
  • G. A. Hakobyan: Šarakanneri žanrě hay mi ǰnadaryan grakanut ‘yan me ǰ [The Genre of šarakan in Medieval Armenian Literature] (Erevan, 1980), 167–71
  • N. T‘ahmizyan, ed.: Hay ergi goharner: Oskep‘orik [Treasures of Armenian Song: a Collectarium] (Erevan, 1982), 26–7
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floruit [flourished]