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Labunski [Łabuński], Wiktor locked

Labunski [Łabuński], Wiktor locked

  • Bogusław Schäffer

(b St. Petersburg [now Leningrad], Russia, April 14, 1895; d Kansas City, MO, Jan 26, 1974). Pianist, composer, and teacher of Russian birth, brother of felix Labunski . He studied piano and theory at the St. Petersburg Conservatory and conducting in Poland. After directing the piano department of the Kraków Conservatory (1919–28) he came to the United States, where he made his debut as a pianist at Carnegie Hall in 1928. He taught at the Nashville Conservatory (1928–31) and was professor and director at the Memphis College of Music (1931–7). In 1937 he joined the piano faculty of the Kansas City Conservatory, of which he was director from 1941 until his retirement 30 years later. Well known for his lecture-recitals, he had a repertory of more than 1500 works. His own compositions are in a conventional style.


  • W. Waliszewska: “O Wiktorze Łabunskim,” Ruch muzyczny, vol.12/23 (1968), 18
  • Obituary, New York Times (27 Jan 1974)
  • J.R. Belanger: Wiktor Labunski: Polish-American Musician in Kansas City, 1937–1974 (diss., Columbia U., 1982)