à Becket, Thomas, Jr. |
A Tribe Called Quest |
Abbott, George |
ABC-Paramount |
Abeles, Harold F. |
Abenaki [Abnaki]. |
Abercrombie, John |
Abercromby, John Joseph |
Abolition |
Abrams, Muhal Richard |
Abril, Mario |
Abshire, Nathan |
Academia, Eleanor |
Accordion |
Ace, Johnny |
Achron, Isidor |
Achúcarro, Joaquín |
Acid jazz |
Ackerman, Paul |
Ackley, Alfred H. |
Ackley, Bentley DeForest |
ACMP—The Chamber Music Network |
Acocella, Joan |
Adamowski, Timothée |
Adams, Bryan |
Adams, Charles R. |
Adams, John Luther |
Adams, Lee |
Adams, Pepper |
Adams, Yolanda |
Adderley, Cannonball |
Adderley, Nat |
Addison, Adele |
Addy, Yacub Tetteh |
Adkins, Trace |
Adler, Lou |
Adorno, Theodor W. |
Adult contemporary |
Aeolian Chamber Players |
Aeolian Vocalists |
Aeolian |
Aesop Rock |
African American music |
African Methodist Episcopal Church |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church |
Afrika Bambaataa |
Afro-Caribbean Music |
Afshar, Lily |
Agee, James Rufus |
Agramonte y Piña, Emilio |
Aguabella, Francisco |
Aguilar, Gustavo |
Aguilera, Christina |
Aguinaldo |
Ahlert, Fred E. |
Ahrens, Lynn |
Aiken, Charles |
Aiken, Conrad |
Ailey, Alvin |
Ainsworth, Henry |
Aitken, Webster |
Akers, Doris |
Akwid |
Alabama, University of |
Alabama |
Aladdin |
Alarm Will Sound |
Alaska. |
Albert, Donnie Ray |
Albert |
Alberti, Solon |
Alberts, Eunice |
Albrecht and Co. |
Albrecht, Charles |
Albrecht, Christian Frederick Ludwig |
Albrecht, Henry F. |
Albright, Gerald |
Albuquerque |
Alburger, Mark |
Alden, Christopher |
Alden, David |
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey |
Aler, John |
Alexander, Alger Texas |
Alexander, Dorothy |
Alexander, James Woodie |
Alexander, John |
Alexander, Roberta |
Alexander, Russell |
Alford, Harry LaForrest |
Alfred Music Publishing |
Algonquian. |
Ali, Rashied |
Alice Cooper |
Allanbrook, Douglas Phillips |
Alleghanians |
Allen, Betty |
Allen, Carl |
Allen, Eugene Womack |
Allen, Geri |
Allen, Marshall |
Allen, Nancy |
Allen, Rex |
Allen, Ross |
Allen, Sanford |
Allen, Steve |
Allen, William Duncan |
Allen, William Francis |
Allessi, Joseph, Jr. |
Alley, Joseph |
Allison, Margaret |
Allison, Mose |
Allusion |
Almanac Singers |
Almario, Justo |
Almeida, John Kameaaloha |
Almeida, Santiago |
Alpert, Herb |
Alston, Lettie Beckon |
Altamont Festival |
Alternative country |
AlterNATIVE music |
Alternative rock |
Althouse, Monroe A. |
Althouse, Paul |
Alton, Robert |
Aluli, Irmgard Farden |
Álvarez, Luis Manuel |
Amato, Pasquale |
Amberg, Gustav |
Ambient music. |
America |
American Academy in Rome |
American Academy of Arts and Letters |
American Academy of Music. |
American Ballet Company |
American Ballet Theatre |
American Ballet |
American Ballroom Theater Company |
American Bandmasters Association |
American Bandstand |
American Baroque |
American Choral Directors Association |
American Composers Alliance |
American Composers Orchestra |
American Composers’ Concerts |
American Conservatory of Music |
American Contemporary Music Ensemble |
American Dance Festival |
American Festival of Microtonal Music |
American Folklife Center |
American Guild of Musical Artists |
American Guild of Organists |
American Harp Society |
American Idol |
American Indian Dance Theatre |
American Music Center |
American Music Guild |
American Music Therapy Association |
American Musical Instrument Society |
American Musicological Society |
American Opera Company |
American Orff-Schulwerk Association |
American School Band Directors Association |
American Society for Jewish Music |
American Society of Ancient Instruments. |
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers |
American Spiritual Ensemble, the |
American String Quartet |
American String Teachers Association |
American Theatre Organ Society |
American Tract Society |
Amigo, Cristian |
Amish and Mennonite music |
Ammons, Albert |
Ammons, Gene |
Amos, Tori |
Amusement parks |
Anderson, Bill |
Anderson, Cat |
Anderson, Ernestine |
Anderson, Gillian |
Anderson, Ivie |
Anderson, John Murray |
Anderson, Marian |
Anderson, Maxwell |
Anderson, R(obert) Alex |
Anderson, Robert |
Anderson, Robert |
Anderson, Walter F. |
Andres, Timothy |
Andress, Barbara |
Andrews Boggess, Mildred |
Andrews, Dwight |
Andrews, George W. |
Angelic Gospel Singers, the |
Angelou, Maya |
Anievas, Agustin |
Animal dances |
Anka, Paul |
Ann Arbor |
Annapolis Brass Quintet |
Anonymous 4 |
Anschütz, Karl |
Anthem |
Antone, Clifford Jamal |
Antony |
Aoki, Tatsu |
Apache |
Apaka, Alfred |
Aparicio, Frances R |
Apollo Theater |
Aponte Ledée, Rafael |
Appalachia |
Appalachian dulcimer |
Appel, Toby |
Applebaum, Mark |
Apsara Ensemble |
A-R Editions |
Arab American music |
Arapaho |
Araújo, João Gomes de |
Arbuckle, Matthew |
Arcade Fire |
Archives and Manuscripts |
Archives, sound recording and moving image. |
Arden, Jann |
Arden, Victor |
Arditi, Luigi |
Ardoin, Alphonse “Bois Sec” |
Ardoin, Amédé |
Ardoin, John |
Areíto |
Arena rock |
Arens, Franz Xavier |
Arévalo, Miguel Santiago |
Argento, Dominick |
Arhoolie |
Arista |
Arizona, University of |
Armenteros, Alfredo |
Armstrong, Anton |
Armstrong, Howard |
Armstrong, Karan |
Armstrong, Lil |
Armstrong, Louis |
Armstrong, Vanessa Bell |
Armstrong, William D |
Arnaz, Desi |
Arnold, David |
Arnold, Eddy |
Arnold, Kokomo |
Arnold, Maurice |
Aronson, Rudolph |
Arpino, Gerald |
Arranger |
Arrested Development |
Arrillaga, Santiago |
Arroyo de la Cuesta, Felipe |
Arroyo, Martina |
Art Ensemble of Chicago |
Art music |
Art rock |
Art song |
Arthur, Alfred F. |
Arts administration |
Arts Enterprise |
Arts management [music management] |
Artzt, Alice |
Asch, Moe |
Ashborn, James |
Ashby, Dorothy |
Asheville |
Ashford and Simpson |
Ashley, Lowell Edwin |
Ashley, Thomas C. |
Ashman, Howard |
Asian American jazz |
Asian Improv Records |
Asleep at the Wheel |
Assad, Clarice |
Assad, Sérgio |
Associated Music Publishers |
Association for Recorded Sound Collections |
Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians |
Association of Concert Bands |
Astaire, Fred |
Astin-Weight Piano |
Astor, John Jacob |
Asylum |
Ataneli, Lado |
Athapaskan |
Atherton, James |
Atkins, Chet |
Atkinson, Brooks |
Atlanta Ballet |
Atteridge, Harold R. |
Atwill, J.F. |
Atwood, Ethel |
Auberjonois, René |
Audsley, George Ashdown |
Audubon Quartet |
Auer, Leopold |
Aufderheide, May F. |
Augustin, Frisner |
Austin City Limits |
Austin, Gene |
Austin, John Turnell |
Austin, Larry |
Austin, Lovie |
Austin, William W. |
Autoharp |
Autry, Gene |
Avalon, Frankie |
Avant-garde jazz |
Avian, Bob |
Awards |
Axton, Hoyt |
Ayala, Pedro |
Ayala, Ramón |
Ayers, Roy |
Azerrad, Michael |
Azoff, Irving |
B-52’s, the |
Babbitt, Milton |
Babcock, Samuel |
Baca, Susana |
Baccaloni, Salvatore |
Bachata |
Bachman, Harold B. |
Bachmann, Maria |
Bachman-Turner Overdrive |
Backbeat |
Backstreet Boys |
Bacon Banjo Company, Inc., The |
Bacon, Denise |
Bacon, Fred |
Bacon, Leonard |
Bacon, Thomas |
Bacon, Thomas |
Bad Boy Entertainment |
Bad Brains |
Badea, Christian |
Badger, Alfred G. |
Badu, Erykah |
Baermann, Carl |
Baez, Joan |
Bagley, Edwin Eugene |
Bailes Brothers |
Bailey, Buster |
Bailey, DeFord |
Bailey, Mildred |
Bailey, Pearl |
Bain, Wilfred |
Bainum, Glenn Cliffe |
Baird, Julianne |
Bajo sexto |
Baker Josephine |
Baker, Anita |
Baker, Benjamin Franklin |
Baker, Claude |
Baker, David |
Baker, Etta |
Baker, Israel |
Baker, Julius |
Baker, Kenny |
Baker, LaVern |
Baker, Robert S |
Baker, Thomas |
Baker |
Bakersfield sound |
Baksa, Robert Frank |
Balada, Leonardo |
Balada |
Balanchine, George |
Baldwin organ |
Baldwin, Ralph L. |
Baldwin, Samuel A |
Baldwin |
Baldwin-Wallace Bach Festival |
Bales, Richard |
Balfa Family |
Ball State University |
Ball, Ernest R. |
Ball, Marcia |
Ballad opera |
Ballad |
Ballanta, Nicholas George Julius |
Ballard, Hank |
Ballard, James |
Ballet Caravan |
Ballet Folklórico |
Ballet West |
Ballet |
Ballets: USA |
Ballin’ the jack |
Ballroom dance |
Balmer, Charles |
Balsam, Artur |
Balthrop, Carmen Arlen |
Baltimore club |
Bampton, Rose |
Band organ |
Band, the |
Band |
Banda El Recodo |
Banda |
Bang on a Can |
Bang, Billy |
Bangs, Lester [Conway] |
Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar movement |
Banjo |
Banks, Brian Robert |
Baptist Churches |
Barab, Seymour |
Baraka, Amiri |
Barati, George |
Barbecue Bob |
Barber, Lesley |
Barber, Patricia |
Barbershop Harmony Society, the |
Barbershop quartet singing |
Barbosa-Lima, Carlos |
Bare, Bobby |
Barenaked Ladies |
Barilari, Elbio Rodríguez |
Barker, Danny |
Barker, Sister Mildred |
Barker, Warren |
Barlow, Harold |
Barn dance |
Barnabee, Henry Clay |
Barnes, James Charles |
Barnet, Charlie |
Barnhouse, Charles Lloyd |
Barnum, P. T. |
Baron, Joey |
Baron, Samuel |
Barone, Michael |
Barrett Sisters, the [Delois Barrett and the Barrett Sisters]. |
Barrett, Sweet Emma |
Barretto, Ray |
Barron, Ronald |
Barrows, Cliff |
Barrows, John |
Barry, Flora Elizabeth |
Barth, Hans |
Bartholomew, Dave |
Bartholomew, Marshall |
Bartlett, James Carroll |
Bartz, Gary |
Barzun, Jacques |
Basart, Ann |
Basart, Robert |
Bashell, Louis |
Basie, Count |
Baskerville, Priscilla |
Basquin, Peter |
Bassford, William Kipp |
Bassman, George |
Bassoon |
Bates, Leon |
Bates, Mason |
Báthory-Kitsz, Dennis |
Baton Rouge |
Batson, Flora |
Battisti, Frank Leon |
Battle Hymn of the Republic |
Battle music |
Battle, Kathleen |
Baur, Clara |
Bauzá, Mario |
Baxter, J. R. |
Baxter, Les |
Bay Psalm Book. |
Bayes, Nora |
Baylor University |
Bazin, James Amireaux |
Beach, Amy Marcy |
Beach, Frank A. |
Beach, John Parsons |
Beamer |
Bear Family |
Beardslee, Bethany |
Beastie Boys, the |
Beatlemania |
Beatles, the |
Beat-making |
Beattie, John W. |
Beatty, Talley |
Beaux Arts String Quartet. |
Bechler, Johann Christian |
Beck, Carl |
Beck, Christophe |
Beck, Joe |
Beck |
Beckel, James Cox |
Becker, Dan |
Becker |
Beddoe, Dan |
Bee Gees, the |
Bee, Tom |
Beecham, Sir Thomas |
Beecher |
Begian, Harry |
Beglarian, Grant |
Behrend, Jeanne |
Behrman, David |
Belasco, David |
Belcher, Supply |
Belknap, Daniel |
Bell, Larry Thomas |
Bell, Thom |
Bell, William |
Bellamann, Henry |
Bellamy Brothers |
Bellini, Luiz |
Bellison, Simeon |
Bellringing |
Bellson, Louie |
Bellstedt, Herman |
Belt, Philip R. |
Beltrán, Lola |
Belwin-Mills |
Benatar, Pat |
Bendix, Max |
Ben-Dor, Gisèle |
Benét, Stephen Vincent |
Benge, Elden |
Benitez, “Jellybean” |
Bennett, Michael |
Bennett, Tony |
Bennington College |
Benny, Jack |
Benoit, David |
Benson, Joan |
Bentley, Gladys |
Berberian, Ara |
Berg, Lillie P. |
Berger, Arthur |
Berger, Henry |
Berger, Jean |
Bergner, Frederic |
Berio, Luciano |
Berkeley, Busby |
Berkeley. |
Berkshire Music Center. |
Berlin, Jeff |
Berliner, Emile |
Berlinski, Hermann |
Bermel, Derek |
Bernal, Paulino |
Berne, Tim |
Bernheimer, Martin |
Bernstein, Leonard |
Bernstein, Martin |
Bernstein, Steven |
Berry, Chu |
Berteling, Theodore |
Bethlehem Bach Festival |
Beversdorf, (Samuel) Thomas |
Bey, Andy |
Bhangra |
Bible, Frances L. |
Bibliographies |
Bickford, Vahdah Olcott |
Biedermann, Edward J |
Bielawa, Lisa |
Bierley, Paul Edmund |
Big 3 Music Corporation |
Big and Rich |
Big apple |
Big band |
Big Brother and the Holding Company. |
Big Daddy Kane |
Big Star |
Biglow and Main |
Bigsby, Paul |
Bikel, Theodore |
Bikini Kill |
Billy Ward and His Dominoes |
Bingham, Seth Daniels |
Biography |
Birchard, C.C. |
Bird, Andrew |
Bird, Arthur H. |
Birge, Edward Bailey |
Bish, Diane |
Bishop, Anna |
Biz Markie |
Black Artists Group |
Black Arts Movement. |
Black Eyed Peas, the |
Black Flag |
Black Rock Coalition |
Black Swan |
Black, Clint |
Black, Frank J. |
Black, Robert |
Blackfoot (ii) [Sihasapa]. |
Blackfoot |
Blackman, Cindy |
Blackstone, Tsianina Redfeather |
Blackwell, Ed |
Blade, Brian |
Blades, Rubén |
Blaine, Hal |
Blaisdell, Frances |
Blake, Blind |
Blake, Charles Dupee |
Blake, Norman |
Blake, Ran |
Blanchard, Terence |
Bland, Bobby “Blue” |
Blane, Ralph |
Blass, Robert |
Blazonczyk, Sr. Eddie |
Blegen, Judith |
Bley, Carla |
Bley, Paul |
Blige, Mary J. |
Bliss, Anthony A. |
Blizard, Ralph |
Bloch, Ernest |
Bloch, Kalman |
Block, Adrienne Fried |
Block, Geoffrey |
Blodgett, Benjamin Colman |
Blood |
Bloom, Jane Ira |
Bloom, Robert |
Bloom, Rube |
Bloom, Sol |
Bloomfield Zeisler, Fannie |
Bloomfield, Theodore |
Bloomquist, Kenneth G. |
Blossom, Henry |
Blossoms, the |
Blow, Kurtis |
Blue Jay Singers |
Blue note |
Blue Öyster Cult |
Blue Rodeo |
Blue Sky Boys, the |
Bluebird |
Blue-eyed soul |
Bluegrass Alliance |
Bluegrass music |
Blues rock |
Blues |
Bluiett, Hamiet |
Blumenfeld, Harold |
Blumenschein, W.L. |
Blye, Birdice |
Blythe, Arthur |
Board of Music Trade |
Boardman, Eunice |
Boatwright, McHenry |
Bobri, Vladimir |
Bocelli, Andrea |
Bochsa, Nicholas Charles |
Bode, Harald |
Body, the |
Boelke-Bomart |
Boelzner, Gordon |
Boggs, Dock |
Bohannon |
Bohmann, Joseph Frederich |
Boise, Otis Bardwell |
Boise |
Bojangles |
Bok Zimbalist, Mary Louise Curtis |
Bolcom, William |
Bolero |
Bolger, Ray |
Bollywood |
Bolt, Beranek and Newman |
Bolton, Guy |
Bomb Squad, the |
Bomba |
Bon Jovi |
Bonade, Daniel |
Bonawitz, Johann Heinrich |
Bongos |
Bonney, Barbara |
Bonny, Helen Lindquist |
Bono, Sonny |
Bonvin, Ludwig, S. J. |
Boogaloo |
Boogie-woogie (i) |
Boogie-woogie (ii) |
Boone, Blind |
Boone, Pat |
Boosey and Hawkes, Inc |
Bootsy’s Rubber Band |
Boott, Francis |
Bop |
Borda, Deborah |
Border music |
Bordman, Gerald M. |
Bori, Lucrezia |
Borneman, Ernest |
Bornschein, Franz |
Borrowing |
Bostic, Earl |
Boston [Boston dip] (ii). |
Boston Academy of Music |
Boston Ballet |
Boston Camerata. |
Boston Festival Orchestra |
Boston Ideal Opera Company |
Boston Music Company |
Boston University |
Boston |
Boswell Sisters |
Boswell, Connee |
Bosworth and Hammer |
Botsford, George |
Bottesini, Giovanni |
Botti, Susan |
Bottje, Will Gay |
Boublil, Alain |
Boucher, William |
Boudousquié, Charles |
Boudreau, Robert Austin |
Boulanger, Emile |
Boulanger, Nadia |
Bounce |
Bourgeois, John Roy |
Bowen, George Oscar |
Bowen, Jennifer Beth |
Bowen, Jimmy |
Bowers, Thomas J. |
Bowie, Lester |
Bowman, Brian L. |
Bowman, Wayne D. |
Boy bands |
Boyd, John Pretz |
Boyd, Liona |
Boyer, Horace Clarence |
Boyle, J. David |
Boys Choir of Harlem. |
Boyz II Men |
Bozeman, George, Jr. |
Boziwick, George E. |
Bozza, Anthony |
Brackeen, JoAnne |
Brackett, David |
Bradbury, William Batchelder |
Bradford, Alex |
Bradford, Perry |
Bradley, Carol June |
Bradley, Owen |
Bradley, Scott |
Braham, David |
Braham, John |
Brailowsky, Alexander |
Brandeis University. |
Brandeis, Frederic |
Branson. |
Brasfield, Rod |
Braud, Wellman |
Braxton, Anthony |
Break |
Breakbeat |
Breakdancing |
Brecht, George |
Brecker, Randy |
Bremner, James |
Bresnick, Martin |
Brewer, John Hyatt |
Brice, Carol |
Brico, Antonia |
Bridgewater, Dee Dee |
Briegel, George F. |
Brigham Young University |
Bright, Sol K. |
Brill Building |
Brinkerhoff, Clara M. |
Brion, Jon |
British invasion |
Britton, Allen P(erdue) |
Broadbent, Alan |
Broadcast Music, Inc |
Broadhurst, Dorothea |
Broadside |
Broadway. |
Brockenshire, James Opie |
Brockman, Jane |
Brodsky, Jascha |
Broege, Timothy |
Broekman, Hendrik |
Broiles, Mel |
Bronco |
Bronson, Howard Curtis |
Brooke, Thomas Preston |
Brookmeyer, Bob |
Brooks and Dunn |
Brooks, Garth |
Brooks, Hadda |
Brooks, Patricia |
Brooks, Shelton |
Broudy, Harry S. |
Brougham, John |
Broughton, Bruce |
Brouwer, Margaret |
Brower, Frank |
Brown Brothers |
Brown University. |
Brown, Angela |
Brown, Anne |
Brown, Anthony |
Brown, Chuck |
Brown, Clarence “Gatemouth” |
Brown, Elaine (ii) |
Brown, Elaine |
Brown, Eli |
Brown, Elizabeth |
Brown, Francis H. |
Brown, Junior |
Brown, Les |
Brown, Lew |
Brown, Marion |
Brown, Milton |
Brown, Nellie E. |
Brown, Ray |
Brown, Ruth |
Brown, Tony |
Brown, Trisha |
Brown, William |
Browne, J. F. |
Browne, Jackson |
Browner, Tara |
Brownlee, Archie |
Brownlee, John |
Brownson, Oliver |
Brumley, Albert E. |
Brunelle, Philip |
Bruno, Charles |
Bruns, George |
Brunswick |
Brusilow, Anshel |
Bryan, Charles Faulkner |
Bryant, Boudleaux and Felice |
Bryant, Clora |
Bryant, William Cullen |
Brymn, Tim |
Brynner, Yul |
Bubblegum |
Bubbles, John |
Bublé, Michael |
Bucci, Mark |
Buchla, Donald Frederick |
Buck and wing |
Buck, Dudley |
Buckbee, John H. |
Buckley, Betty |
Buckley, Emerson |
Buckley, Jeff |
Buckley, Tim |
Buckley |
Buddhism |
Buena Vista Social Club |
Buffett, Jimmy |
Buketoff, Igor |
Bull, Amos |
Bullard, Frederic Field |
Bülow, Hans (Guido) Freiherr von |
Bumbry, Grace |
Bunnett, Jane |
Bunny hop |
Bunny hug |
Burdett, George Albert |
Burgin, Richard |
Burkat, Leonard |
Burke, James Francis |
Burke, Joe |
Burke, Johnny |
Burke, Joseph |
Burke, Kevin |
Burleigh, Cecil |
Burleigh, Henry T. |
Burnett, T-Bone |
Burnette, Johnny |
Burnside, Vi |
Burr, Willard, Jr. |
Burrell, Kenny |
Burrows, Abe |
Burwell, Carter |
Bush, Sam |
Busoni, Ferruccio |
Buswell, James Oliver |
Butler, Helen May |
Butler, Jerry |
Buttelman, Clifford V |
Butterfield Blues Band, the Paul |
Buttolph, David |
Buzard, John-Paul |
Byard, Jaki, Jr. |
Byas, Don |
Byrd, Charlie |
Byrd, Donald |
Byrne, David |
Byron, Don |
Byron, Michael |
Cabrer, Carlos |
Cabrillo Music Festival. |
Cacavas, John |
Cachao |
Cacioppo, George |
Cadence |
Cady, Calvin Brainerd |
Caesar, Irving |
Caesar, Shirley |
Cage, John |
Cagney, James |
Cahill, Sarah |
Cahill, Thaddeus |
Cahuilla |
Caifanes (Jaguares). |
Caine, Uri |
Caird, John |
Cajun dance |
Cakewalk |
Calderón, Tego |
Caldwell, Anne |
Caldwell, James Boone |
Caldwell, Sarah |
Cale, JJ |
Calhoun, Walker |
California E.A.R. Unit |
California Indians. |
California Institute of the Arts |
California State University |
California, University of |
Calinda [calenda]. |
Callaway, Paul |
Calle 13 |
Callithumpian band |
Camden, Maine, Harp Colony |
Camero, Candido |
Cameron, Roderick |
Campaign music |
Campana, Deborah Ann |
Campanini, Cleofonte |
Campbell, Francis Joseph |
Campbell, Glen |
Campbell, Lucie |
Campbell, Patricia Shehan |
Camphouse, Mark |
Camus, Raoul F. |
Canadian Brass, the |
Canadian First Peoples |
Canales, Johnny |
Canales, Laura |
Cancon |
Caneva, Ernest Oreste |
Cannibal and the Headhunters |
Cannon, Gus |
Cano, Natividad |
Cantata |
Cantillation, biblical |
Cantopop/Mandopop |
Cantor, Eddie |
Capeyuye |
Capobianco, Tito |
Capoeira |
Capron, Henri |
Cara, Irene |
Carabo-Cone, Madeleine |
Caramoor Festival |
Caravans, the |
Carawan, Guy |
Card, June |
Carden, Allen D(ickenson) |
Cárdenas, Guty |
Carey, Mariah |
Carfizzi, Patrick |
Carhart and Needham |
Carillon. |
Carl, Robert |
Carl, William Crane |
Carlberg, Gotthold |
Carle, Frankie [Carlone, Francis Nunzio] |
Carlisle, Cliff |
Carlisle, Kitty |
Carlos y José |
Carlsen, James C |
Carlton, Larry |
Carnegie Hall. |
Carnegie, Andrew |
Carney, Harry |
Carpenter, Mary Chapin |
Carpenters, the |
Carr, Kurt |
Carr, Leroy |
Carr, Vikki |
Carr, Wynona |
Carreño, (María) Teresa |
Carrington, Terri Lyne |
Carroll, Earl |
Carroll, Liz |
Cars, the |
Carson, Fiddlin’ John |
Carter Family, the |
Carter, Bo |
Carter, Elliott |
Carter, Henry |
Carter, James |
Carter, Nathan M. |
Carter, Regina |
Carter, Roland Marvin |
Caruso, Enrico |
Carvin |
Cary, Mary Flagler |
Casa Loma Orchestra |
Casablanca |
Casals Istomin, Marta |
Case Western Reserve University. |
Casey, Warren |
Cash, Johnny |
Casinos [hotel casinos]. |
Cassaro, James P. |
Cassel, Walter |
Cassilly, Richard |
Castle Walk |
Castle, Joyce |
Castle, Vernon and Irene |
Castle, William |
Castleman, Charles |
Cathay Club |
Cather, Willa |
Catholic University. |
Caupolican, Chief |
Cayuga. |
Cazan, Ken |
CBS Musical Instruments |
Cecilio and Kapono |
Cedarwood Publishing. |
Ceely, Robert (Paige) |
Celestin, Papa |
Censorship |
Centennial Exhibition |
Center for Black Music Research |
Center for Music Research (CMR). |
Central City Opera Festival |
Central Opera Service |
Centre for American Music. |
Cepeda Atiles, Rafael |
Cephas, John |
Cerminaro, John Paul, Jr. |
Cesar Concepción y su Orquesta |
Cha cha cha |
Cha-cha |
Chacón, Iris |
Chadabe, Joel |
Chafe, Chris |
Chalía, Rosalía |
Chalifoux, Alice |
Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. |
Chamber music |
Chamberlin |
Chambers, Dennis |
Chambers, Joe |
Chambers, Paul |
Chambers, William Paris |
Champion, Gower |
Chan, Jeff |
Chancellor, Jim |
Chansonniers |
Chantels, the |
Chanticleer |
Chapek, Joseph Horymir |
Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Durham. |
Chapman, Rachel |
Chapman, Steven Curtis |
Chapman, Tracy |
Character notation. |
Charanga |
Charisse, Cyd |
Charity rock |
Charivari |
Charles, Ray |
Charles, Teddy |
Charleston (ii) |
Charlotte |
Charmoli, Tony |
Charnin, Martin |
Charo |
Chasalow, Eric |
Chase, Lucia |
Chasins, Abram |
Chautauqua |
Chavis, Boozoo |
Cheap Trick |
Cheatham, Doc |
Cheatham, Kitty |
Check, Jennifer |
Checker, Chubby |
Cheeks, Julius |
Chemehuevi. |
Chen, Audrey |
Cheney, Simeon Pease |
Chenier, Clifton |
Chenoweth, Kristin |
Cher |
Cherokee |
Chesney, Kenny |
Chestnut, Cyrus |
Chicago |
Chicano Movement Music |
Chicken scratch |
Chickering |
Chiesa, Walter Murray |
Child Ballad |
Children’s music |
Childs, Lucinda |
Chi-Lites, the |
Chillingworth, Sonny |
Chilton, Alex |
Chilula. |
Chiricahua. |
Chittenden, Kate Sara |
Choate, Robert A. |
Choates, Harry |
Choctaw [Chahta]. |
Chookasian, Lili |
Choral music |
Choral Society |
Choralcelo |
Chorus America |
Chou Wen-chung |
Christ, Peter |
Christensen brothers |
Christensen, James |
Christgau, Robert |
Christian Reformed Church |
Christian, Palmer |
Christiansen, F. Melius |
Christie, William |
Christlieb, Don |
Christman, Charles G. |
Christmas music |
Christy, June |
Chuck D. |
Chuck Wagon Gang, the |
Chumash |
Church of Christ, Scientist |
Church of God in Christ, Inc |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Church of the Nazarene |
Churchill, Frank |
Cibecue. |
Ciesinksi, Katherine |
Cimera, Jaroslav |
Cincinnati |
Cioffi, Felippe |
Cipolla, Frank J. |
Circus Music |
Cirque du Soleil |
Cisneros, George |
Civil Rights Movement |
Civil War, the |
Claassen, Arthur |
Claflin, (Alan) Avery |
Clair, Alicia Ann |
Clappé, Arthur Albert |
Clare, Sidney |
Clarey, Cynthia |
Clarinet |
Clark Sisters |
Clark, Dick |
Clark, Frances |
Clark, Frederic Horace |
Clark, Mattie Moss |
Clark, Robert |
Clark, Roy |
Clark, Sonny |
Clarke, Kenny |
Clarke, William H |
Class |
Classic rock |
Classification and cataloging |
Clave |
Claves |
Clayton, Buck |
Clayton, Merry |
Clear Channel Communications |
Clemens, Clara |
Clement, Cowboy Jack |
Clements, Vassar |
Cleveland, James L. |
Clifton, Bill |
Clinch Mountain Boys, the |
Cline, Patsy |
Clog dance |
Clooney, Rosemary |
Clough-Leiter, Henry |
Clovers, the |
Clubs, music |
Coast Salish |
Coates, Dorothy Love |
Cobain, Kurt |
Cobb, Jimmy |
Cochiti. |
Cochran, Hank |
Cochran, William |
Coci, Claire |
Cockburn, Bruce |
Cockrell, Dale |
Cody, Robert Tree |
Coen, Jack |
Cohen, Joel |
Cohen, John |
Cohen, Leonard |
Cohen, Lyor |
Cohen, Norm |
Cohen, Paul |
Colburn, William F. |
Cold Blue Music |
Cold War, the |
Cole, Bob |
Cole, Cozy |
Cole, Jack |
Cole, Nat “King” |
Cole, Natalie |
Cole, Rossetter Gleason |
Coleman, Anthony |
Coleman, Michael |
Coleman, Satis N. |
Coleman, Steve |
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel |
Collage |
Collective band |
College Band Directors National Association |
College songs |
Collegiate a cappella |
Collegiate Chorale, the |
Collegium musicum |
Collette, Buddy |
Collier, James Lincoln |
Collings Guitars. |
Collins, Albert |
Collins, Bootsy |
Collins, Walter Stowe, II |
Colorado, University of |
Colpix. |
Coltman, John W. |
Coltrane, Alice |
Coltrane, John |
Coltrane, Ravi |
Columbia String Quartet |
Columbia University. |
Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center |
Columbo, Russ |
Columbus |
Colwell, Richard J. |
Comanche. |
Combs, Sean |
Comden, Betty |
Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen |
Commodification |
Commodores, the |
Common |
Community music ensemble |
Como, Perry |
Computers and music |
Concert jazz |
Concert Organ |
Concord |
Concordia. |
Conde, Sidiki |
Conesa, María |
Confederate music |
Conga drum |
Congo Square |
Congregational Church. |
Conjunto Libre |
Conjunto |
Connecticut Opera Association. |
Connick, Harry, Jr. |
Connolly, Bobby |
Connolly, Séamus |
Connor, Chris |
Conrad, Tony |
Conte, David |
Contemporary Chamber Ensemble |
Contemporary Christian Music |
Contemporary Music Project |
Conti, Bill |
Continental Vocalists, the |
Contino, Fiora Corradetti |
Contredanse |
Converse, Charles Crozat |
Converse, Frank B. |
Conway, Brian |
Conway, Patrick |
Cook, Susan Carol |
Cook, Will Marion |
Cooke, Edna Gallmon |
Cookies, the |
Cooksey, John M. |
Cooley, Spade |
Coolidge Quartet |
Cooman, Carson P. |
Coon song |
Cooper, George |
Cooper, Wilma Lee and Cooper, Stony |
Copland, Aaron |
Coppock, William R. |
Copyright |
Coral, Lenore |
Cordero, Roque (Jacinto) |
Corigliano, John |
Corina, John |
Cormier, Joe |
Cornell University |
Cornell, John Henry |
Cornet |
Corrido |
Corsaro, Frank |
Cortijo y su Combo [El Combo]. |
Corwell, Neal |
Coryell, Larry |
Coslow, Sam |
Costa, Mary |
Costello, Marilyn |
Cotillion |
Cotten, Elizabeth |
Cotton Club, the |
Cotton, Ben |
Cotton, James |
Cottrelly, Mathilde |
Country dance |
Country Gentlemen, the |
Country Joe and the Fish. |
Country Music Association |
Country Music Foundation |
Country music |
Country rock |
Country-western dance |
County |
Courage, Alexander |
Cousin Emmy |
Cover song |
Covert, Bernard |
Coward, Sir Noël (Peirce) |
Cowboy song |
Cowboy, Singing |
Cowell, Henry |
Cowell, Sidney Robertson |
Cowles, Eugene Chase |
Cox, Cindy (Annice) |
Cox, Ida |
Cox, Rick |
Crabtree, Lotta [Charlotte Mignon] |
Cramer, Floyd |
Cramer, Ray Ellwyn |
Crane, Julia E. |
Crawford, Cheryl |
Crawford, Jesse |
Crawford, Michael |
Crawford, Randy |
Crawford, Ruth |
Creative Commons |
Creatore, Giuseppe |
Creek [Muskogee]. |
Creole music |
Crespo (Díaz), Elvis |
Crickets, the. |
Crider, Paula Ann |
Crisara, Raymond D. |
Crispell, Marilyn |
Criss, Sonny |
Criticism |
Croce, Jim |
Croft, Dwayne |
Croft, James Edwin |
Cronin, Robert H. |
Crosby, Bing |
Crosby, David |
Crosby, Fanny J. |
Crosby, John O. |
Crosby, Stills and Nash |
Cross, Michael Hurley |
Crouch, Andraé |
Crouch, Stanley |
Crouse, Russel |
Crow [Absaroke]. |
Crow, Sheryl |
Crowe, J. D. |
Crowell, Rodney |
Cruise ships |
Crumb, George |
Cruz, Bobby |
Crystals, the |
Cuarteto Latinoamericano |
Cuatro |
Cuberli, Lella |
Cuenca, Sylvia |
Cullen, Countee P. |
Cultura Profética |
Cumbia |
Cummings, E.E. |
Cunha, Sonny |
Cunningham, Arthur |
Cunningham, Merce |
Cunningham, Virginia |
Curb, Mike |
Curet Alonso, Tite |
Curnow, James |
Curti, Carlos |
Curtis Institute of Music. |
Curtis String Quartet |
Curtis, George H. |
Curtis, Natalie |
Cutler, Eric |
Cutler, Henry S |
Cutler, Miriam |
Cutter, Benjamin |
Cypress Hill |
Cyrille, Andrew |
D’Angelico, John |
D’Angelo |
D’Aquisto, James L. |
D’León, Oscar |
D’Rivera, Paquito |
Da Ponte, Lorenzo |
Daddy Yankee |
Dadmun, J. W. |
Daellenbach, Chuck [Charles] |
Daffan, Ted |
Dahlin, Paul |
Dakar. |
Dakota [Santee]. |
Dalcroze Society of America |
Dale Warland Singers |
Dale, Clamma |
Dale, Dick |
Dalhart, Vernon |
Dalis, Irene |
Dalmorès, Charles |
Dalton, Sand Nevin |
Daly, Claire |
Daly, Owen |
Damrosch |
Dan the Automator |
Dana, Mary S. B. |
Dana, William Henry |
Dance, Helen (Margaret) Oakley |
Dance |
Danelectro |
Danger Mouse |
Dániel, Katinka |
Daniele, Graciela |
Daniels, Barbara |
Daniels, Charles Neil |
Daniels, Charlie |
Danielson, Virginia Louise |
Danks, H.P. |
Danly, Robert Clough |
Dann, Hollis Ellsworth |
Danna, Jeff |
Danna, Mychael |
Dannreuther, Gustav |
Danza |
Dara, Olu |
Darbonne, Luderin and Edwin Duhon |
Darby, Ken |
Darin, Bobby |
Darracott, William, Jr. |
Darrell, R. D. |
Dartmouth Digital Synthesizer. |
Dave Matthews Band, the |
Davenny-Wyner, Susan |
Davenport Engberg, Mary |
Davenport, (Jack) LaNoue |
Davenport, Clyde |
David, Hal |
Davids, Brent Michael |
Davidson, Justin |
Davidson, Mary Wallace |
Davis Sisters, the |
Davis, Clive |
Davis, David |
Davis, Don |
Davis, Eddie “Lockjaw” |
Davis, Francis |
Davis, Gussie Lord |
Davis, Jessie Bartlett |
Davis, Jimmie H. |
Davis, Richard |
Davis, Ruth |
Davis, Sammy, Jr |
Davis, Skeeter |
Davis, William |
Davison, A.T. |
Davison, Wild Bill |
Dawson, Alan |
Dawson, Mary Cardwell |
Dawson, William Levi |
Dayas, William Humphreys |
Dayton |
De Franco, Giuseppe and Raffaela |
de Koenigswarter, Baroness Pannonica |
de la Martínez, Odaline |
de la Rosa, Tony |
De La Soul |
de la Torre, Javier |
De Lamarter, Eric |
De Leath, Vaughn [Vonderlieth, Leonore] |
de Meyer, Leopold |
De Mille, Agnes |
De Paur, Leonard |
De Rose, Peter |
De Vol, Frank |
Dead Kennedys, the |
dead prez |
Deal, Karen Lynne |
Dealers, music and media |
Dean, Allan |
Dean, Jimmy |
Dearborn, David M. |
Death Row |
Debney, John |
Decca |
Decker, Harold Augustus |
Decker, James |
DeCormier, Robert |
DeCurtis, Anthony |
Dédé, Edmond |
Deems, James Monroe |
Def Jam |
Definitive Jux |
DeFranco, Buddy |
DeGaetani, Jan |
Deis, Carl |
Delavan, Mark |
DeLay, Dorothy |
Delerium |
Delius, Frederick [Fritz] (Theodore Albert) |
Dells, the |
Delmore Brothers, the |
Delta Rhythm Boys, the |
DeMarco, Tony |
Dempster, William Richardson |
Denby, Edwin |
Denishawn. |
Dennard, Brazeal Wayne |
Denny, Jim |
Denny, Martin |
Denver, John |
Deodato, Eumir |
DeRogatis, Jim |
DeRosa, Vincent |
Derrane, Joe |
Des Moines |
Descarga |
Dessoff Choirs, the |
DeSylva, Buddy |
DeTar, Vernon |
Dethier, Gaston M. |
Detroit techno |
Deutsch, Adolph |
DeVeaux, Scott |
DeVillers [Devillers, De Villers] Louis |
Devo |
Dexter, Al |
DeYoung, Michelle |
Di Bonaventura, Anthony |
Di Meola, Al [Al Laurence Dimeola] |
Dial |
Diamond, Beverley |
Diamond, Neil |
Diaspora |
Díaz [Diaz], Rafaelo [Francisco Rafael] |
Díaz Ayala, Cristóbal |
DiChiera, David |
Dichter, Harry |
Dichter, Misha |
Dickens, Hazel |
Dickens, Little Jimmy |
Dickenson, Vic |
DiDonato, Joyce |
Diegueño [Ipai-Tipai; Iipay Tipay; Tiipay; Kumeyaay; “Mission Indians” of Sou |
Dietz, Howard |
DiFranco, Ani |
Diggle, Roland |
Digital Audio Workstation |
Digital Underground |
Dilated Peoples |
Dillards, the |
Diller, Angela |
Dilling, Mildred |
Dinerstein, Norman |
Dinosaur Annex Music Ensemble |
Dion, Céline |
Dion |
Dippel, Andreas |
Dirty Dozen Brass Band, the |
Disability |
Disco (ii) |
Disco |
Discography. |
Disney Studios/Radio Disney |
Disselhorst, Delbert |
Dissonant counterpoint |
Distin, Henry |
Diton, Carl Rossini |
DIVA Jazz Orchestra |
Dixey, Henry E. |
Dixie Chicks |
Dixie Hummingbirds, the |
Dixon, Bill |
Dixon, Jessy |
Dixon, Mort |
Dixon, Willie |
DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince |
DJ Premier |
DJ Q-Bert |
DJ Shadow |
DJ Spooky |
DJ |
Dlaikan, Nadim |
Doane, William Howard |
Dobbs, Mattiwilda |
Dobson |
Dockstader, Lew |
Dockstader, Tod |
Document |
Dodds and Claus |
Dodds, Baby |
Dodds, Johnny |
Dolan, John |
Dolceola |
Dolmetsch, Arnold |
Domingo, Plácido |
Don Omar |
Donath, Helen |
Donato, Anthony |
Donegan, Dorothy |
Donen, Stanley |
Donnelly, Dorothy |
Doobie Brothers, the |
Doolin, Howard A. |
Doolittle, Eliakim |
Doors, the |
Doo-wop |
Dopyera. |
Doran, Matt H(iggins) |
Dorham, Kenny |
Doring, Ernest N(icholas) |
Dorn, Joel |
Dorsey, Jimmy |
Dorsey, Lee |
Dorsey, Thomas A. |
Dorsey, Tommy |
Doty, David |
Double bass |
Doucet, Michael |
Dougherty, Celius (Hudson) |
Douglas, Dave |
Douglas, Isaac |
Douglas, Jerry |
Douglass, Joseph Henry |
Douroux, Margaret Pleasant |
Dover. |
Dowd, Tom |
Downey, John (Wilham) |
Downing, David L. |
Downs, Lila |
Downtown |
Doyle, John |
Dr. Demento |
Dr. Dre |
Dr. John |
Dr. Luke [Gottwald, Lukasz] |
Dragon, Carmen |
Drake, Earl R. |
Draper, Paul |
Dresel, Otto |
Drew, James M(ulcro) |
Drew, Kenny |
Dreyblatt, Arnold |
Dreyer, Dave |
Dreyfus. |
Drifters, the |
Driftwood, Jimmy |
Driscoll, James Francis |
Drucker, Stanley |
Drugs |
Druian, Rafael |
Drum ’n’ bass |
Drum set |
Drum |
Drummond, Dean |
Drury, Theodore |
Du Bois, W(illiam) E(dward) B(urghardt) |
Dubensky, Arcady |
Duble, Charles E. |
DuBois, R(oger) Luke |
Dubois, William |
Dubstep |
Duck, Ruth |
Dudamel, Gustavo |
Dudgeon, Ralph T. |
Dueño Colón, Braulio |
Duerksen, George L. |
Duffy, Thomas Christopher |
Duke, George |
Duke, Robert A. |
Duke/Peacock |
Dunbar, Paul Laurence |
Dunbar, W. Rudolph |
Duncan, Isadora |
Dunham, Henry M |
Dunham, Katherine |
Dunlap, William |
Dunleavy, Mary |
Dunn, Bob |
Dunn, David Dean |
Dunn, James Philip |
Dunn, Mignon |
Dunner, Leslie B(yron) |
Duo-Art. |
Duport, Pierre (Peter) Landrin |
Dupree, Champion Jack |
Dupri, Jermaine |
Durán, Narciso |
Durang, John |
Durante, Jimmy |
Dusenbury, Emma |
Duss, John S. |
Dutrey, Honore |
Dvořák, Antonín |
Dvorak, Raymond Francis |
Dwight, Timothy |
Dworkin, Aaron P(aul) |
Dwyer, Doriot Anthony |
Dyer, Richard |
Dyett, Walter |
Dyhrenfurth, Julius |
Dykema, Peter |
Dylan, Bob |
E-40 |
Eagle rock |
Earhart, Will |
Earle, Steve |
Early Music America |
Early-music revival |
Earth, Wind and Fire |
East coast swing |
Eastman School of Music. |
Eastman, George |
Eastman, Julius |
Easy listening |
Eazy-E |
Ebb, Fred |
Eckert, Carl Anton Florian |
Eckhard, Jacob, Sr. |
Eckhardt, Hermann |
Eckstine, Billy |
Ecomusicology |
Ed Wynn [Isaiah Edwin Leopold] |
Eddy, Clarence |
Eddy, Sara Hershey |
Edison, Harry |
Editus |
Edmonds, Babyface |
Edwards, Cliff |
Edwards, David |
Edwards, George |
Edwards, Gus |
Edwards, John S. |
Egan, Séamus |
Ehrlich, Marty |
Eichler, Jeremy |
Eisfeld, Theodor |
Ekizian, Michelle |
El Chicano |
El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico |
El Paso |
El Sistema USA |
Electric bass guitar |
Electric guitar |
Electric piano |
Electrifying Mojo, the |
Electro |
Electroacoustic music |
Electronic Dance Music |
Electronic instruments |
Electronic percussion |
Elektra. |
Elevator music |
Elias, Rosalind |
Eliason, Robert E. |
Elkan, Henri |
Elkhart |
Ellington, Duke |
Elliot, Cass |
Elliott, David J. |
Elliott, Missy |
Elliott, Ramblin’ Jack |
Ellis, Brent |
Ellis, Don |
Ellis, Herb |
Ellis, Pee Wee |
Ellison, Ralph (Waldo) |
Ellsasser, Richard |
El-P |
Emerson, Billy |
Emerson, L.O. |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo |
Emery, Ralph |
Emery, Stephen Albert |
Emilio |
Eminem |
Emmons, Buddy |
Emo |
Empire Brass Quintet |
E-mu Systems |
Encoding, music and multimedia |
Endo, Kenny |
Engel, (A.) Lehman |
English, Granville |
English, Jon (Arthur) |
English, Walter P. |
Enloe, Lyman |
Eno, Brian |
Enright, Richard G. |
Environmental music |
Ephrata Cloister |
Epic |
Epiphone |
Episcopal Church |
Eppert, Carl |
Epstein, David M. |
Epstein, Marti |
Epstein, Matthew |
Epstein, Max |
Epstein, Paul A. |
Erb, John Lawrence |
Erbe, Thomas |
Erben, Peter |
Erickson, Frank |
Erickson, Robert |
Ericson, Eric |
Errani, Achille |
Erskine, John |
Erskine, Peter |
Ertegun |
Eschenbach, Christoph |
Eskin, Virginia (Rubottom) |
Espinel, Luisa |
Espinosa, Aurelio M(acedonio, Sr.) |
Esquivel, Juan García |
Estefan, Emilio, Jr. |
Estefan, Gloria |
Estes, Simon |
Estes, Sleepy John |
Estey Organ Co |
Estrada García, Noel |
Etheridge, Melissa |
Ethnomusicology |
Étienne, Denis-Germain |
Eugene. |
Euphonium |
Evangelicalism. |
Evans, Dale |
Evans, Herschel |
Evans, Merle Slease |
Evans, Reverend Clay |
Evanti, Lillian |
Evett, Robert |
Ewazen, Eric |
Ewing, Maria |
Excello. |
Exotica |
Exoticism |
Experimental music theater |
Experimental music |
Ezrin, Bob |
Fabray, Nanette |
Faddis, Jon |
Fadette Ladies’ Orchestra, The |
Faelten, Carl |
Fahey, John |
Fairfield Four |
Faith rap |
Falcon Records |
Falcon, Cléoma Breaux and Joseph |
Falcone, Leonard |
Famous Music Corporation |
Fandrich |
Fania All-Stars |
Fania Records |
Fanny |
Fantasy |
Far East Movement |
Farland, Alfred A. |
Farlow, Tal |
Farmer, Art |
Farnsworth, Charles Hubert |
Farnsworth, Paul R. |
Farr, Jory |
Faulds, David P. |
“5” Royales |
50 Cent |
Faulkner, Quentin J. |
Faull, Ellen |
Favors, Malachi |
Feinstein, Martin |
Feinstein, Michael |
Feist, Leo |
Feist, Leonard |
Feist |
Felciano, Richard |
Feld, Eliot |
Feldman, Bernardo |
Feldman, Jill |
Feldman, Mary Ann |
Feliciano [Vega], “Cheo” [José Luis] |
Feliciano, José |
Female Academies and Seminaries |
Feminism |
Fender |
Fenske, David Edward |
Ferden, Bruce (Daryle) |
Ferguson, Donald Nivison |
Ferguson, Maynard |
Fernández, Nohema |
Fernández, Vicente |
Ferrer, Frank |
Ferrer, Manuel Ygnacio |
Ferrer, Monserrate |
Ferris, Richard Montgomery |
Festivals |
Fiddling |
Fiedler, Max |
Field holler |
Field music. |
Field, Al G. [Hatfield, Alfred Griffith] |
Fielding, Jerry |
Fields, Herbert |
Fields, Lew |
Fierstein, Harvey |
File sharing |
Filk |
Fillmore |
Film music |
Fine, Irving |
Fineberg, Joshua |
Fink, Michael Jon |
Fink, Robert (Wallace) |
Finston, Nat W. |
Fiorillo, Dante |
Fiorito, Ted |
Fisher, Eddie |
Fisher, Edward |
Fisher, Williams Arms |
Fiske, Harold E. |
Fitelberg, Jerzy |
Fitzgerald, Ella |
Five Blind Boys of Alabama |
Five Percenter Rap |
Flack, Roberta |
Flagello, Ezio |
Flaherty, Stephen |
Flamenco |
Flammer, Harold |
Flanagan, Tommy |
Flanigan, Lauren |
Flathead |
Flatley, Michael |
Flatt and Scruggs |
Fleck, Béla |
Fleischmann, Ernest |
Fleisher, Leon |
Fleming, Renée |
Fleming, Shirley (Moragne) |
Fletcher, (Horace) Grant |
Fletcher, John Gould |
Fling, Robert Michael |
Flippo, Chet |
Florida State University |
Florio, Caryl |
Flummerfelt, Joseph |
Flute |
Fluxus |
Flynt, Henry |
Foden, William |
Fodor, Eugene (Nicholas, Jr.) |
Foerster, Adolph Martin |
Fogel, Henry |
Fogerty, John |
Foggy Mountain Boys |
Foglesong, Jim |
Foley, John |
Foley, Red |
Folger Consort |
Folk Alliance International |
Folk dance |
Folk music |
Folk revival, the |
Folk rock |
Folkers and Powell |
Fong-Torres, Ben |
Fontamillas, Jerome |
Fontenot, Canray |
Foote, Arthur |
Foote, George Luther |
Foote, John Howard |
Forbes, Lou |
Forbstein, Leo |
Ford, Benjamin Francis |
Ford, Brownie [Thomas Edison] |
Ford, Mary |
Ford, Tennessee Ernie |
Formes, Karl Johann |
Forrest, Helen |
Forrester, Maureen |
Foss, Lukas |
Fosse, Bob |
Foster, Al |
Foster, David |
Foster, Frank |
Foster, Gary |
Foster, Pops |
Foster, Robert Estill |
Foster, Stephen C. |
Foster, Sutton (Lenore) |
Foster, William Patrick |
Foucard, Pierre Joseph Victoire |
Foundations, music |
Fountain, Clarence |
Fountain, Robert Pratt |
Four Seasons, the. |
Fowler, Charles B. |
Fox, Carol |
Fox, Della May |
Fox, Fred |
Fox, Jim |
Foxtrot |
Frackenpohl, Arthur (Roland) |
Fracker, Richard |
Fradkin, Frederic |
Frager, Malcolm |
Fraley, J. P. |
Français, Jacques Pierre |
Franceschini, Gaetano |
Frank, Gabriela Lena |
Frank, Pamela |
Frankenstein, Alfred (Victor) |
Franklin, Kirk |
Franosch, Adolph |
Fraternities and sororities. |
Frazee, Jane |
Freddy Fender |
Free jazz |
Freed, Alan |
Freed, Arthur |
Freeman, Betty |
Freestyle Fellowship |
Freestyle rap |
Fremstad, Olive |
French, Jacob |
French, Mrs. |
Frere-Jones, Sasha [Jones, Alexander Roger Wallace] |
Freund, John Christian |
Fricke, David |
Friedman, Erick |
Friedrich, John |
Fries, August |
Fries, Wulf |
Frisell, Bill |
Frith, Simon |
Frizzell, Lefty |
Froehlich, Hildegard |
Frog Peak Music |
Fromm Music Foundation |
Fromm, Herbert |
Fromm, Paul Jakob |
Froseth, James O. |
Fry, William Henry |
Frye, Theodore R. |
Fuentes, Alfonso |
Fugazi |
Fuging-tune |
Fulkerson, Gregory (Locke) |
Fuller, Blind Boy [Allen, Fulton] |
Fuller, Curtis |
Fuller, S. Margaret |
Fullerton, Charles A. |
Funicello, Annette |
Funk Brothers, the |
Futral, Elizabeth |
Gabler, Milt |
Gabriel, Arnald D. |
Gabriel, Juan [Luna, Adán; Valadez, Alberto Aguilera] |
Gackle, Lynne |
Gadd, Steve |
Gaddes, Richard |
Gaillard, Slim |
Gaither, Bill [William J.] |
Galás, Diamanda |
Galaxy Music Corporation |
Gales, Weston S |
Galimir, Felix |
Galla-Rini, Anthony |
Galli-Curci, Amelita |
Galop |
Gamelan Sekar Jaya. |
Gamelan |
Gang Starr |
Gangsta rap |
Garage rock |
García Villamil, Felipe |
Garcia, Jerry |
García, Manuela |
García, Orlando Jacinto |
Gardiner, Sir John Eliot |
Gardner, Isabella Stewart |
Gardner, Newport |
Gardner, Samuel |
Garfunkel, Art |
Garland, David |
Garland, Hank |
Garland, Red |
Garofalo, Robert “Reebee” |
Garrett, Kenny |
Garrison, Jimmy |
Gary, Charles L. |
Gary, Roberta |
Gaston, E. Thayer |
Gates, Reverend J. M. |
Gatlin, F. Nathaniel |
Gatti-Casazza, Giulio |
Gaul, Harvey B. |
Gauthier, (Joséphine Phoebe) Eva |
Gaxton, William |
Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses |
Gay, Connie B. |
Gay, María |
Gaynor, Jessie Lovel |
Gehot, Joseph |
Gehrkens, Karl |
Geiger, Loren Dennis |
Gelb, Peter |
Gelbart, Larry (Simon) |
Gemignani, Paul |
Gemunder |
Gender |
Gennaro, Peter |
Gennett |
Gentry, Bobbie |
Gentry, Jane Hicks |
Geography |
George, Earl |
George, Lowell |
Georgia Sea Island Singers, the |
Georgia, University of |
Gerboth, Walter |
Geringer, John M. |
Germania Musical Society |
Geronimo [Goyaałé, Goyathlay, Goyahkla] |
Gershenson, Joseph |
Gershwin, George |
Geyer, Carl |
Ghettotech and ghetto house |
Gholston Brock, Clara |
Ghost Dance |
Gibbs, Terry |
Gibson, Orville H. |
Gibson |
Giddings Thaddeus P. |
Giddins, Gary (Mitchell) |
Gifford, Gene |
Gilbert and Sullivan. |
Gilbert, L. Wolfe |
Gilbert, Peggy |
Gilbert, Timothy and Lemuel |
Gilberto, Astrud |
Gilberto, Bebel |
Gilfert, Charles H. |
Gilfry, Rodney |
Gill, Vince |
Gillespie, Dizzy |
Gillingham, David |
Gillingham, George |
Gilmore, John |
Gimbel, Norman |
Gimble, Johnny |
Girl groups |
Girls of the Golden West, the |
Giuffre, Jimmy |
Gladys Knight and the Pips |
Glam metal |
Glasow, Glenn (Loren) |
Glasper, Robert |
Glass, Philip |
Glazer, Frank |
Glazer, Joe |
Gleason [née Hall], Joanna |
Gleason, Jackie |
Gleason, Ralph J. |
Glee |
Glenn, Carroll |
Glenn, Mabelle |
Globalization |
Glossolalia. |
Glover, Savion |
Glover, William Howard |
Gnazzo, Anthony J(oseph) |
Gobbi, Tito |
Gockley, David |
God bless America. |
Godfrey, Arthur |
Goeldner, Katharine |
Goepp, Philip H |
Goffin, Gerry |
Go-Go’s, the |
Go-go |
Gogorza, Emilio de |
Gold Rush, the. |
Goldbeck, Robert |
Goldberg, Albert |
Goldberg, Isaac |
Goldberg, Szymon |
Golde, Walter |
Golden Gate Quartet |
Golden, Donny |
Goldkette, Jean |
Goldsand, Robert |
Golijov, Osvaldo |
Golson, Benny |
Gomberg, Ralph |
Gomez, Eddie |
Gómez, Vicente |
Gonsalves, Paul |
González [Ramírez], Eulalio “Piporro” |
González, Jerry |
González, Pedro J. |
Goodman, Paul |
Goodrich, Wallace |
Goodrich, William Marcellus |
Gorbman, Claudia Louise |
Gordon, Edgar B(ernard) |
Gordon, Edwin E(lias) |
Gordon, Jacques |
Gordon, Mack |
Gordon, Ricky (Ian) |
Gordon, Robert Winslow |
Gordon, Stephen T. |
Gore, Lesley |
Gormé, Eydie |
Gorney, Jay |
Gosfield, Annie |
Gospel blues |
Gospel Music Association |
Gospel music |
Gosz, Romy |
Goth rock |
Gottlieb, Jack S. |
Gottlieb, Jane |
Gottschalk, Louis F. |
Gould, Nathaniel Duren |
Goulet, Robert |
Grady, Kraig |
Graham, Colin |
Graham, Lowell E. |
Graham, Susan |
Grammy Awards |
Grand Ole Opry |
Granda |
Grandmaster Flash |
Grant, Amy |
Graudan, Nikolay |
Graupner, Catherine Comerford |
Graupner, Gottlieb |
Graves, Denyce |
Graves, Milford |
Gray, Henry |
Gray, Matthias |
Gray, Wardell |
Graziano, John (Michael) |
Grcevich, Jerry |
Great Basin Indians. |
Great Depression, the |
Green Day |
Green, Adolph |
Green, Archie |
Green, Grant |
Green, John W. |
Green, Keith |
Green, Lloyd |
Green, Stanley |
Greene, Herbert Wilber |
Greenfield, Elizabeth Taylor |
Greenwald, Julie |
Greenwich, Ellie |
Greer, Lowell |
Greer, Sonny |
Gregg Smith Singers |
Greissle, Felix |
Gresham-Lancaster, Scot |
Grey [Katz], Joel (David) |
Griffey, Anthony Dean |
Griffin, Gary |
Griffin, Johnny |
Griffin, Patty |
Griffin, Rex |
Griffith, Nanci |
Griffiths, John |
Grimes, Henry |
Grimes, Tiny |
Griscom, Richard |
Grisman, David |
Grist, Reri |
Grizzly bear |
Grofé, Ferde |
Groove. |
Group for Contemporary Music. |
Groupie |
Grundman, Clare Ewing |
Grunewald, Louis |
Grupo Folklórico y Experimental Nuevayorquino |
Grupo Montéz de Durango |
Grusin, Dave |
Gruskin, Shelley |
Gryce, Gigi |
Guam |
Gubrud, Irene (Ann) |
Guerra, Juan Luis |
Guerrero, Lalo |
Guess Who, the |
Guettel, Adam |
Guild of American Luthiers |
Guild |
Güines, Tata |
Guion, David (Wendel Fentress) |
Guitar |
Gulli, Franco |
Gunn, Glenn Dillard |
Gunn, Nathan |
Gunning, Sarah Ogan |
Guns N’ Roses |
Guralnick, Peter |
Gutchë, Gene [Gutsche, Romeo Maximilian Eugene Ludwig] |
Guthrie, Arlo |
Guthrie, Woody |
Gutiérrez, José |
Gutiérrez, Juan |
Gwiazda, Henry |
H. Wiley Hitchcock Institute for Studies in American Music. |
Hackett, Bobby |
Hackleman, Martin |
Hackley, E Azalia |
Haden, Charlie |
Hadley, Jerry |
Hagen, Earle |
Hagen, Francis Florentine |
Hagen, Theodore |
Haggard, Merle |
Hagopian, Richard Avedis |
Hague, Eleanor |
Hahn, Hilary |
Haieff, Alexei |
Hair, Harriet I. |
Hairston, Jester |
Hajos, Karl |
Hakim, Omar |
Halau o Kekuhi |
Hale, Joseph P. |
Haley, Ed |
Haley, Jack [John Joseph, Jr.] |
Hall and Oates |
Hall, David |
Hall, Edmond |
Hall, Jim |
Hall, Rhodolph |
Hall, Robert Browne |
Hall, Tom T |
Hall, Vera |
Halpern, Steven |
Hamblen, Stuart |
Hamblin, Thomas S. |
Hambone |
Hamerik, Asger |
Hamilton, Chico |
Hamilton, Clarence G. |
Hamilton, Jimmy |
Hamilton, Scott |
Hamm, Charles (Edward) |
Hammer, Jan |
Hammer, Stephen |
Hammered dulcimer |
Hammond organ |
Hammons Family |
Hampson, Thomas |
Hampton, Calvin |
hampton, dream |
Hampton, Slide |
Hanby, Benjamin R. |
Hance, James F. |
Hanchett, Henry Granger |
Handbell. |
Handel and Haydn Society |
Handt, Herbert |
Handy, John |
Hanks, Nancy |
Hanna, Sir Roland |
Hanson |
Hapa. |
Happening |
Harbach [Hauerbach], Otto (Abels) |
Harbert, Wilhelmina K. |
Hard bop |
Hard country |
Hardcore |
Harding, Albert Austin |
Harding, Walter N. H. |
Hare Krishna |
Hare, Maud Cuney |
Hargail Music |
Hargrove, Roy |
Harlem Renaissance, the |
Harley, Rufus |
Harlow, Larry |
Harmati, Sandor |
Harmonica |
Harmonium |
Harmony |
Harnick, Sheldon |
Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes |
Harp guitar |
Harreld, Kemper |
Harrell, Tom |
Harrigan, Edward Green |
Harris [Harris-Schofield], Margaret R(osezarian) |
Harris, (William) Victor |
Harris, Barry |
Harris, Cyril M(anton) |
Harris, Eddie |
Harris, Emmylou |
Harris, John |
Harris, Rebert H. |
Harris, Roy |
Harrison, Guy Fraser |
Harrison, Jimmy |
Harry, Debbie |
Harsanyi, Janice |
Harshaw, Margaret |
Hart, Clyde |
Hart, Moss |
Hart, Tony |
Hart, Weldon |
Hartford, John |
Hartford. |
Hartman, Johnny |
Hartmann, Arthur |
Hartt School of Music. |
Harvard Musical Association |
Harvard University. |
Harwood, C(harles) William (III) |
Hastings, Francis H. |
Hastings, Thomas |
Hathaway, Donny |
Haugen, Marty |
Haunani |
Hautboys. |
Havasupai |
Haverly, J.H. [Jack] |
Hawaii Music Curriculum Program [HMCP]. |
Hawaii |
Hawaiian guitar |
Hawes, Hampton |
Hawkins, Edwin R. |
Hawkins, Erick |
Hawkins, Gordon |
Hawkins, John Isaac |
Hawkins, Margaret B. |
Hawkins, Micah |
Hawkins, Ronnie |
Hawkins, Screamin’ Jay |
Hawkins, Tramaine |
Hawkins, Walter |
Hawley, C.B. |
Hay, George Dewey |
Hayden, Philip C. |
Hayes, Catherine |
Hayes, Martin |
Hayes, Roland |
Haynes, John Cummings |
Haynes, Roy |
Hays, Lee |
Hays, Will S. |
Hayter, A. U. |
Haywood, Lorna |
Headphones |
Hearn, George |
Hearne, Ted |
Heart |
Heath, Albert |
Heath, Fenno, Jr. |
Heath, Jimmy |
Heath, Percy |
Hee Haw |
Heed, John C. |
Hefti, Neal |
Heggie, Jake [John Stephen] |
Heifetz, Daniel (Alan) |
Heifetz, Robin Julian |
Held, Alan |
Held, Anna |
Heller, George N. |
Heller, Jack |
Helm, George |
Helmecke, August [Gus], Jr. |
Helps, Robert |
Hemans [née Browne], Felicia (Dorothea) |
Hemmenway, James |
Hemphill, Julius |
Hempsted, Henry N. |
Henahan, Donal |
Henderson, Eddie |
Henderson, Luther |
Henderson, Skitch |
Henderson, Wayne |
Hendricks, Jon |
Hengel, Christy [Christian] |
Henley, Don |
Henschel, Sir George |
Henson-Conant, Deborah |
Herbert, Evelyn |
Herford, Julius |
Heringman, Jacob (Walter) |
Herman, Reinhold Ludwig |
Herrmann, Eduard |
Hersch, Fred |
Hersch, Michael |
Herz, Eric |
Herz, Henri [Heinrich] |
Heth, Charlotte Anne Wilson |
Hewitt |
Heyer, Anna Harriet |
Heyman, Sir Henry C. |
Hiatt, John |
Hickerson, Joe |
Hickman, David Russell |
Hicks, (Charles) Barney |
Hicks, George |
Hicks, John |
Hicks, Stanley |
Higdon, Jennifer |
Higginbotham, J.C. |
Higgins, Billy |
Higgins, H(iram) M(urray) |
Higginson, Henry Lee |
Hilburn, [Charles] Robert |
Hill, Andrew |
Hill, Douglas [Doug] |
Hill, Edward Burlingame |
Hill, Faith |
Hill, Joe |
Hill, Lauryn |
Hillbilly music |
Hilliard Ensemble |
Hilliard, John Stanley |
Hillman, Chris |
Hills, Durham |
Hillyer [née Tatsumura], Kazuko |
Hilsberg, Alexander |
Hinderas [Monagas], Natalie (Henderson) |
Hindsley, Mark Hubert |
Hinduism |
Hines, Gregory |
Hines, Jerome |
Hinojosa, “Tish” |
Hinrichs, Gustav |
Hinrichsen, Walter |
Hinton, Milt |
Hip hop |
Hip-hop dance |
Hipp, Jutta |
Hipp, William |
Hiroshima |
Hirsch, Louis |
Hirsch, Shelley |
Hirst, Grayson |
Hirt, Al |
Hirt, Charles C. |
Hisama, Ellie M. |
Historic Brass Society |
Hitchcock, Benjamin |
Hiwell, John |
Ho, Don(ald Tai Loy) |
Ho, Fred |
Ho‘opi‘i Brothers, the. |
Hoch, Theodore [Theodor] |
Hoctor, Harriet |
Hodges, Donald A. |
Hodges, Fletcher, Jr. |
Hodges, Johann Sebastian Bach |
Hodgkinson, John |
Hodkinson, Sydney (Phillip) |
Hoe, Robert, Jr. |
Hoedown |
Hoffer, Charles R. |
Hoffman Watts, Elaine |
Hoffman, Al |
Hoffman, Mary |
Hogan, Ernest |
Hogan, Moses |
Hogg, Ima |
Hohnstock |
Hokey pokey |
Holcomb, Roscoe |
Holden, Stephen |
Holdridge, Lee |
Hole. |
Holeman, John Dee |
Holiday, Billie |
Holland, Bernard |
Holland, Charles |
Holland, Dave |
Holland, Jerry |
Hollander, Lorin |
Hollister, Carroll |
Holm, Celeste |
Holman, Libby [Elizabeth Holzman] |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell |
Holmes, Richard |
Holmes, Timothy John |
Holmquist, John |
Holsinger, David Rex |
Holst, Edward [Edvard, Eduard] |
Holt, Bob |
Holt, Hosea E. |
Holt, Nora [Douglas, Lena] |
Holtkamp Organ Co |
Holton Corporation |
Holton, Frank |
Homer and Jethro |
Honea, Sion M. |
Hong, Hei-Kyung |
Honky-tonk |
Honolulu |
Hood, Margaret F. |
Hood, Marguerite V. |
Hook and Hastings |
Hook, Elias |
Hooker, Earl |
Hooker, John Lee |
Hooley, R. M. |
Hootchy-kootchy |
Hope Publishing Company |
Hope, Bob |
Hope, Samuel |
Hopekirk, Helen |
Hopi |
Hopkins, Asa |
Hopkins, Claude |
Hopkins, Kenyon |
Hopper, (William) De Wolf |
Horiuchi, Glenn |
Horn, Shirley |
Horn |
Horst, Louis |
Horton, Lester |
Hot jazz |
House |
Houseley, Henry |
Housewright, L. Wiley |
Houston, Whitney |
Hovda, Eleanor |
Hove, Carolyn |
Hovey, Nilo Wellington |
Howard University. |
Howard, Emmons |
Howard, George Cunnibell |
Howard, George Salladé |
Howard, Harlan |
Howard, James Newton |
Howard, Joe E. |
Howard, John Brooks |
Howard, Willie |
Howe, Julia Ward |
Howlin’ Wolf |
Hoyt, Charles H(ale) |
Hsu, Eric |
Hsu-nami, the. |
Hua, Wen-yi |
Huang, Cham-Ber |
Hubbard, Freddie |
Hubbert, Michael L(ee) |
Huff, Leon |
Huffman, J.C. |
Hughes, Rupert |
Hui Ohana |
Hui, Melissa |
Hula |
Humes, Helen |
Humphrey, Bobbi |
Humphrey, Doris |
Humphreys, Jere T. |
Hundley, Richard |
Hungarian String Quartet |
Hunkpapa. |
Hunsberger, Donald |
Hunter, Charlie |
Huntington, Jonathan |
Hupa. |
Hurok, Sol |
Hurston, Zora Neale |
Husky, Ferlin |
Hussain, Zakir |
Hustis, Gregory |
Hustle |
Hutcherson, Bobby |
Hutcheson, Jere |
Hutchins [née Maley], Carleen |
Hutton, Ina Ray |
Hutton, J. Warren |
Huybrechts, François |
Hwang, David Henry |
Hwang, Jason Kao |
Hybridity |
Hyers Sisters. |
Hyman, Dick |
Hyman, William |
Hymnody |
Hynde, Chrissie |
I.R.S. |
Ian, Janis |
Ibáñez [Ybañez], Florencio |
Ibarra, Susie |
Ice Cube |
Ice dancing |
Ice-T |
Ideal Records |
Iglesias, Enrique |
Imbrie, Andrew |
Imperial |
Impulse! |
Inch, Herbert Reynolds |
Independent label |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
Indie rock |
Indigo Girls |
Industrial rock |
Infante (Cruz), (José) Pedro |
Ingalls, Jeremiah |
Ink Spots, the |
Insixiengmai, Khamvong |
Inskeep, Alice Carey |
Institute of Jazz Studies. |
Instrument societies |
Instruments, collections of |
Instruments, historical |
Instruments |
Intellectual property |
Interior Salish. |
Interior Salish. |
Interlochen |
Intermedia art |
International Association for the Study of Popular Music—US |
International Association of Music Libraries–US Branch |
International Clarinet Association |
International Contemporary Ensemble [ICE]. |
International Double Reed Society |
International Exhibition of Arts, Manufacturers, and Products of the Soil and Mine |
International Federation for Choral Music |
International Horn Society |
International Society for Music Education |
International Sweethearts of Rhythm |
International Trumpet Guild |
Internet, the |
Interscope |
Intertextuality |
Inuit |
Invictus |
Invisibl Skratch Piklz |
Irakere |
Iroquois |
Irwin, May |
Isaac, Merle J. |
Isaacs. |
Isaacs. |
Iseler, Elmer |
Isham, Mark |
Islam |
Isleta. |
Isleta. |
Ithaca College |
Ivers, Eileen |
Ivers, Eileen |
Ives, Burl |
Ives, Charles |
Ives, Edward D. |
Ives, Elam, Jr |
Ivy Queen |
Iyer, Vijay |
Izu, Mark |
J Dilla |
Jabbour, Alan |
Jackson [Jackson McKim], Leonora |
Jackson Southernaires |
Jackson, Alan |
Jackson, Aunt Molly |
Jackson, D.D. |
Jackson, Howard |
Jackson, Isaiah (Allen) |
Jackson, Janet |
Jackson, John |
Jackson, Judge |
Jackson, Mahalia |
Jackson, Millie [Mildred] |
Jackson, Milt |
Jackson, Ronald Shannon |
Jackson, Samuel P. |
Jackson, Tony |
Jackson, Wanda |
Jackson |
Jackson-Guldan |
Jacksonville |
Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival |
Jacobs, Arnold |
Jacobs, Paul |
Jacobsohn, Simon E. |
Jacquet, Illinois |
Jaffee, Michael |
Jager, Robert |
Jagiello, Walter |
Jagoda, Flory |
Jam band |
Jamal, Ahmad |
James, Bob |
James, Elmore |
James, Etta |
James, Rick |
James, Skip |
Jamison, Judith |
Jan and Dean |
Jane’s Addiction |
Jang, Jon |
Janis [née Bierbower], Elsie (Jane) |
Jarboro, Caterina [Yarborough, Katherine] |
Jardine, George |
Jarman, Joseph |
Jarreau, Al |
Jarrell, Tommy |
Jarvis, Charles H. |
Jausoro, Jimmy [Jim] (Mallea) |
Jawaiian music. |
Jay-Z |
Jazz at Lincoln Center |
Jazz at the Philharmonic |
Jazz Composer’s Orchestra Association |
Jazz Education |
Jazz Messengers |
Jazz-rock |
Jeffries, Herb |
Jellison, Judith A. |
Jemez. |
Jenkins, Ella |
Jenkins, Florence Foster |
Jenkins, Leroy |
Jenks, Alden |
Jennings, Joseph |
Jennings, Waylon |
Jensen, Ingrid |
Jensen, Wilma Hoyle |
Jenson [Lockington], Dylana (Ruth) |
Jepson, Benjamin |
Jepson, Harry Benjamin |
Jeter, Claude |
Jett, Joan |
Jewel |
Jewell, Fred |
Jewish music |
Jicarilla. |
Jim and Jesse |
Jiménez, Flaco [Leonardo] |
Jiménez, José Julián |
Jiménez, Santiago |
Jiménez-Berroa, José Manuel |
Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis |
Jin |
Jitterbug |
Jive (ii) |
João Grande [Mestre João Grande; dos Santos, João Olivera] |
Jobin, Sara (Elisabeth) |
Jocelin, Simeon |
Joe Cuba |
Joffrey, Robert |
John, Sir Elton |
Johns, Clayton |
Johnson (Severns), Theodate |
Johnson, Billy |
Johnson, Craig Hella |
Johnson, David (Carl) |
Johnson, Frank |
Johnson, Howard (Lewis) |
Johnson, J. Rosamond |
Johnson, James Weldon |
Johnson, Lew |
Johnson, Lonnie |
Johnson, Pete |
Johnson, Tommy (i) |
Johnson, Tommy [John Thomas] (ii) |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnston, Daniel |
Jolley, David |
Jones (Shankar), (Geethali) Norah |
Jones, Alton |
Jones, Bessie |
Jones, Bill T. |
Jones, Bobby |
Jones, Dolly |
Jones, Edwin Arthur |
Jones, George |
Jones, Grace |
Jones, Grandpa |
Jones, Irving |
Jones, Mason |
Jones, Philly Joe |
Jones, Quincy |
Jones, Rickie Lee |
Jones, Samuel |
Jones, Sissieretta |
Jones, Tom |
Jones |
Joplin, Scott |
Jordan, Clifford |
Jordan, Joe |
Jordan, Jules |
Jordan, Sheila |
Jordanaires, the |
Jorgensen, Estelle R. |
Joseffy, Rafael |
Josephson, Kim |
Journey |
Jovanovich, Brandon |
J-Pop |
Juba |
Jubilee Singers |
Judd, William M(orton) |
Judds, the |
Judson Dance Theater |
Judson, Arthur |
Jug band |
Juilliard School, the. |
Juilliard, Augustus D. |
Jullien, Louis |
Jungle Brothers |
Jurassic 5 |
Just Intonation Network. |
K’naan |
Kaʻai, Ernest |
Kahane, Jeffrey (Alan) |
Kahn, Gus |
Kahn, Otto (Hermann) |
Kahumoku. |
Kaibab. |
Kainah [Blood]. |
Kaiser, Henry |
Kaiser, Michael |
Kalanduyan, Danongan (Sibay) |
Kalapana. |
Kallir, Lilian |
Kalmar, Bert |
Kalmus, Edwin F. |
Kalvos & Damian [K&D]. |
Kam, Dennis (Koon Ming) |
Kamae, Eddie [Edward] (Leilani) |
Kamakahi, Dennis (David Kahekilimamaoikalanikeha) |
Kamakawiwo‘ole, Israel (Ka‘ano‘i) [Iz] |
Kamen, Michael |
Kamensek, Karen |
Kampela, Arthur |
Kanahele, George (Hu‘eu Sanford) |
Kanahele, Pualani Kanaka‘ole and Nalani Kanaka‘ole |
Kane, Raymond (Kaleoalohapoina‘oleohelemanu) |
Kanengiser, William (James) |
Kanno, Yōko |
Kansas, University of |
Kansas |
Kapayou, Everett |
Kaplan, Abraham |
Kappa Kappa Psi. |
Karayanis, Plato |
Karis, Aleck |
Karl, Tom |
Karlin, Fred |
Karlins, M(artin) William |
Karok. |
Karpman, Laura |
Kates, Stephen (Edward) |
Katz, Martin |
Kaufman, George S(imon) |
Kaufman, Sarah |
Kavanaugh [Kavanagh], Joseph H. |
Kay, Connie |
Kay |
Kaye, Carol |
Kaye, Danny |
Kazee, Buell |
KC and the Sunshine Band. |
Keane, James |
Keaulumoku |
Keawe(-Aiko), Genoa (Leilani Adolpho) |
Keb’ Mo’ |
Keeler, Ruby |
Keeling, Richard H. |
Keen, Robert Earl |
Keen. |
Keenan, Paddy |
Keïta, Mamady |
Keith and Albee. |
Keith, B(enjamin) F(ranklin) |
Kekuku, Joseph [Apuakehau, Jr., Joseph Kekuku‘upenakana‘iapuniokamehameha] |
Keller, Kate [Kitty] Van Winkle |
Kelley, Norman |
Kellogg, Paul |
Kelly and Leon’s Minstrels. |
Kelly, Gene |
Kelly, R(obert Sylvester) |
Kelly, Wynton |
Kementzides, Ilias |
Kemp, Father |
Kemp, Mark |
Kendall, Edward |
Kennan, Kent |
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, John F. |
Kennedy, John |
Kenny G. |
Kent bugle. |
Kerner, Leighton |
Kersands, Billy |
Kershaw, Doug |
Kessel, Barney |
Kessner, Daniel |
Keyed bugle |
Keys, Alicia |
Keys, Will |
Khan, Chaka |
Khan, Steve |
Kid Rock |
Kidd, Michael |
Kienzle, Rich[ard] |
Kiley, Richard |
Kill Rock Stars. |
Killebrew, Gwendolyn |
Killoran, Paddy |
Kim, Earl |
Kim, Jin Hi |
Kimball, Jacob |
Kimbrough, Junior |
Kimmel, John J. |
Kincaid, Bradley |
King Biscuit Time |
King Musical Instruments. |
King, Albert |
King, Carole |
King, Charles E(dward) |
King, James |
King, Pee Wee |
King’s Singers, the |
King |
Kingsmen, the. |
Kingston Trio, the |
Kingston, Richard |
Kinkeldey, Otto |
Kinney, Ray(mond Leimona) |
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude |
Kiowa. |
Kiowa-Apache. |
Kiowa-Tanoan. |
Kirby, John |
Kirk, Andy |
Kirk, Colleen |
Kirk, Roland |
Kirshner, Don |
Kirstein, Lincoln |
Kitkahahki. |
Kitt, Eartha |
Kittredge, Walter |
Kitziger, Frederick E. |
Kjelson, Lee R. |
Klauser, Karl |
Kleber, Henry |
Klein, Bruno Oscar |
Klezmer |
Klohr, John Nicholas |
Klotman, Robert H. |
Knabe |
Knaebel, Simon |
Knapp, Phoebe [Phebe] Palmer |
Kneass, Nelson |
Knowles, Beyoncé |
Knoxville. |
Knuckles, Frankie |
Knutsen, Chris |
Koch, Caspar |
Kodály, Zoltán |
Koehler, Ted |
Koehnken and Grimm |
Kohn, Karl |
Konkow. |
Konomihu. |
Konpa. |
Kool Herc |
Koonce, Paul |
Kortschak, Hugo |
k-os |
Koskoff, Ellen |
Kosman, Joshua |
Koster, John |
Kotani, Ozzie |
Kotzschmar, Hermann |
Koussevitzky Foundations |
Koussevitzky, Olga |
Koussevitzky, Serge |
Koutzen, Boris |
Koykkar, Joseph (Noel) |
Koz, Dave |
Kraft, Edwin Arthur |
Kraftwerk |
Krainis, Bernard |
Krauss, Alison |
Kraut, Harry |
Kreisler, Georg Franz |
Krell, William H. |
Kretszchmar, Florence |
Kreutz, Arthur (Rudolph) |
Krick, George C. |
Kriegsman, Alan M. |
Krigbaum, Charles Russell |
Kristofferson, Kris |
Kroeger, Ernest Richard |
Kroeger, Karl |
Krosnick, Joel |
KRS-One |
Krueger, Karl (Adelbert) |
Kryl, Bohumir |
Kubera, Joseph |
Kuchar, Theodore |
Kuhlmann, Rosemary |
Kuhn, Judy |
Kuhn, Steve |
Kuinova, Fatima |
Kumbia Kings |
Kunkel, Charles |
Kunzel, Erich |
Kuronen, Darcy |
Kurzweil, Raymond |
Kuss, Malena |
Kwalwasser, Jacob |
Kwan, Leonard (Keala) |
Kyr, Robert |
Kyser, Kay |
L7 |
La Forge, Frank |
La Hache, Theodore von |
La India |
La Lupe |
La Mafia |
La Peña Cultural Center |
LaBelle, Patti |
Labunski [Łabuński], Wiktor |
LaChiusa, Michael John |
Lachmund, Carl V. |
Lacy, Steve |
Lady Gaga |
LaFaro, Scott |
Lahmer, Reuel |
Lahr, Bert [Lahrheim, Irving] |
Laine, Papa Jack |
Lair, John Lee |
Laitman, Lori |
Lake, Oliver |
Lakota [Teton]. |
Lamb, Charlie [Charles Stacy] |
Lambada |
Lambord, Benjamin |
Lancers |
Landau, Jon(athan) |
Lane, Burton [Levy] |
Lane, Louis |
Lane, Nathan [Lane, Joseph] |
Lane, William Henry [Master Juba] |
Lang, B. J. |
Lange, Arthur |
Lange, William L. |
Langer, Susanne K. |
Langford, Laura Carter Holloway |
Lanois, Daniel |
Lapham, Claude |
Lapine, James (Elliot) |
Laptop |
Larmore, Jennifer |
Larsen, Libby |
Larson Brothers |
Larson, André P. |
Larson, Jonathan |
Las Hermanas Mendoza |
Las Hermanas Padilla |
Las Vegas. |
Laswell, Bill |
Lateef, Yusef |
Latin American Music |
Latin Hip Hop |
Latin jazz |
Latin Percussion |
Latino music |
Laubin |
Laufman, Dudley |
Lauper, Cyndi |
Laurendeau, Louis-Philippe |
Laurents [Levine], Arthur |
Lauridsen, Morten (Johannes) |
Lauten, Elodie |
Lava, William |
Lavalle, Paul |
Lavigne, Avril |
Lavoe, Héctor |
Lavoie-Herz, Djane |
Law, Andrew |
Law, Don |
Lawler, Vanett |
Lawrence [Cohen], Robert |
Lawrence, Donald |
Lawrence, Dorothea Dix |
Lawrence, Jack |
Lawrence, Lucile |
Lawrence, Mark |
Lawrence, Vera Brodsky |
Lawson, Warner |
Layton, Joe [Lichtman, Joseph] |
Layton, Turner |
Le Tang, Henry |
League of Composers |
Léaumont, Robert [Marie-Robert de Castile, Chevalier de Léaumont] |
Leavitt, Joshua |
LeBlanc, Albert |
Leblanc |
Leclerc, Félix |
Led Zeppelin |
Ledford, Lily May |
Lee & Walker. |
Lee [Tarpley], Brenda (Mae) |
Lee Tung Foo |
Lee Williams and The Spiritual QC’s |
Lee, Andrew McKenna |
Lee, Jeanne |
Lee, Peggy |
Lee, Sylvia Olden |
Leedy |
Lefebre, Eduard [Edward] Abraham |
Legarreta, Félix |
Lehman, Paul R. |
Lehmann, Lilli |
Lehmann, Lotte |
Lehrer, Tom [Thomas Andrew] |
Leich, Roland (Jacobi) |
Leigh, Mitch [Mitchnick, Irwin] |
Leipold, John |
Lejeune, Iry |
Lennon, John |
Lennon, Sean (Taro Ono) |
Lenschow, Carl |
Leonard, Eddie [Toney, Lemuel Gordon] |
Leonhard, Charles |
Les Arts Florissants |
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer music |
Leslie, Edgar |
Letteral notation. |
Lev, Ray |
Levan, Larry |
Leventritt, Edgar Milton |
Levett, David Maurice |
Levin, Philip A. |
Levine, Rhoda |
Levy, Edward (Irving) |
Levy, Jules |
Levy, Lester |
Lewing, Adele |
Lewis, Brenda |
Lewis, Daniel |
Lewis, George Emanuel |
Lewis, Huey |
Lewis, John |
Lewis, Mel |
Lewis, Miles Marshall |
Lewis, Ramsey |
Lewis, Ted |
Lewisohn, Adolph |
Lexington |
Liberati, Alessandro |
Libraries and collections |
Library of Congress |
Licensing |
Liderman, Jorge |
Liebling, Emil |
Liebman, Dave |
Lifchitz, Max |
Light, Alan |
Light, Enoch |
Lightfoot, Gordon |
Lil Jon |
Lil Kim |
Lil Wayne |
Lilienthal, Abraham Wolf |
Lilith Fair |
Lilly Brothers, the |
Lincoln, Abbey |
Lincoln |
Lindsay, Arto |
Lindy hop |
Line dances |
Linn, Robert |
Linn, Roger |
Lipan |
Lippincott, Joan |
Lipstone, Louis |
Lira, Agustín |
Listemann, Bernhard |
Liston, Melba |
Little Anthony and the Imperials |
Little Joe y La Familia |
Little Walter |
Little Willie John |
Little, Mary Lou |
Littlefield, Catherine |
Liturgical and religious dance |
Live cinema |
Live Nation |
LL Cool J |
Lloyd, Charles |
Lloyd, David |
Lloyd, Margaret |
Loder, Kurt |
Loesser, Arthur |
Lo-fi |
Lofton, Cripple Clarence |
Lollapalooza |
Lomax, John, III |
Lomax |
Londeix, Jean-Marie |
Lonesome Pine Fiddlers, the |
Longoria, Valerio |
Loos, Armin |
Lopez, Jennifer |
Lopez, Rene |
Lorber, Jeff |
Loring, Eugene |
Los Alegres de Terán |
Los Angeles Guitar Quartet |
Los Bukis |
Los Lobos |
Los Panchos |
Los Pleneros de la 21 |
Los Tigres del Norte |
Los Tres Reyes |
Losey, Frank Hoyt |
Loud |
Loudspeaker |
Louisiana Hayride |
Louisiana State University |
Louisville Orchestra Commissioning Project |
Lounge Lizards |
Louvin Brothers |
Lovano, Joe |
Love, Courtney |
Love |
Lovelace, Austin Cole |
Loveless, Patty |
Loveless, Wendell Phillips |
Loverboy |
Lovett, Lyle |
Lowell, Amy |
Lowell, James Russell |
Lowenthal, Jerome |
Lower Creek |
Lowery, Perry George |
Lowry, Robert |
Loyola University New Orleans |
Luboff, Norman |
Luboshutz, Lea |
Luboshutz, Pierre |
Lucas, Nick |
Ludacris |
Ludewig-Verdehr, Elsa |
Luigi |
Luis Enrique |
Luis Miguel |
Lulu Belle and Scotty |
Lummi |
Lummis, Charles Fletcher |
Lunceford, Jimmie |
Lunch, Lydia |
Lundquist, Barbara Reeder |
Lunetta, Stanley |
Lunsford, Bascom Lamar |
Lutcher, Nellie |
Luther College |
Lutheran Church |
Luvisi, Lee |
Lyman, Arthur |
Lynes, Frank |
Lynn, Loretta |
Lynyrd Skynyrd |
Lyon and Healy |
Lyricist |
Lyrics Born |
Ma’wo |
Má’xe onéhavo’e |
Maas, Louis |
Mabrey, Marsha |
Macarena |
Macarthy, Harry |
MacDowell, Edward |
MacDowell, Marian Griswold |
Machado, Lena |
MacIsaac, Ashley |
Mack, Cecil |
Mack, Edward |
Mack, Evan |
Mackenzie, Barbara Dobbs |
MacLaine, Shirley |
MacMaster, Natalie |
Macon, Uncle Dave |
Madden, Joanie |
Maddox Brothers and Rose |
Maddy, Joseph E. |
Mader, Clarence |
Madlib |
Madsen, Clifford K. |
Maeder, James G. |
Maestro |
Magnes, Frances |
Mahanthappa, Rudresh |
Mahler, Fritz |
Mahlmann, John J. |
Mahr, Timothy Jon |
Maier, Guy |
Mainer, J.E. |
Mainer, Wade |
Majeske, Daniel (Harold) |
Makah |
Makaha Sons |
Malcolm, Alexander |
Malecite |
Malkin, Joseph |
Malone, Bill C. |
Malotte, Albert Hay |
Mambo |
Mana Zucca |
Maná |
Mancini, Henry |
Mancuso, David |
Mandelbaum, (Mayer) Joel |
Mandolin |
Mandrell, Barbara |
Mangione, Chuck |
Manhattanville Music Curriculum Program |
Manilow, Barry |
Mann, Barry and Cynthia Weil |
Mann, Herbie |
Manne, Shelly |
Mannes College of Music |
Männerchor |
Mannette, Ellie |
Manning, Frankie |
Manson, Anne |
Manson, Charles |
Mantia, Simone |
Manuscript Society of New York |
Manzanero, Armando |
Maphis, Joe and Rose Lee |
Marable, Fate |
Marc Anthony |
Marcellus, Robert |
Marclay, Christian |
Marcus, Adele |
Mares, Paul |
Mariachi |
Marilyn Manson |
Marimba |
Mario, Queena |
Mark, Michael L. |
Markert, Russell |
Marks, Johnny |
Marquardt, Paul A. |
Marshall, Harriet Gibbs |
Marshall, Ingram D. |
Martens, Frederick Herman |
Martha and the Vandellas |
Martin, C.F. |
Martin, David Irwin, Sr. |
Martin, Dean |
Martin, Grady |
Martin, Jimmy |
Martin, John |
Martin, Ricky |
Martin, Sallie |
Martinelli, Giovanni |
Martínez, Narciso |
Martinez, Roberto, Sr. |
Martino, Pat |
Martinů, Bohuslav |
Marvelettes, the |
Marvin, Frederick |
Marx Brothers |
Mary Mary |
Masaoka, Miya |
Mash-up |
Masi, Francesco |
Mason, Luther Whiting |
Mason, Timothy B. |
Mason |
Masser, Michael |
Massett, Stephen C. |
Matassa, Cosimo |
Mathis, Nicki |
Matmos |
Mattfeld, Victor H. |
Matthew Good Band |
Matthews, Paula D. |
Matzka, George |
Maultsby, Portia Katrenia |
Maxixe |
Maxwell |
May Festival |
MayDay Group |
Mayes, Samuel (Houston) |
Maynor [Mainor], Dorothy Leigh |
Mazzoli, Missy |
McAllister, A. R. |
McBeth, W. Francis |
McBride, Christian |
McBride, Martina |
McCann, Les |
McCarthy, Dennis |
McCarthy, Marie |
McClain, Ernest G. |
McClellan, William M. |
McClurkin, Donnie |
McComiskey, Billy |
McConathy, Osbourne |
McCormick, David Clement |
McCoury, Del |
McCoy, William J[ohnston] |
McCroby, Ron |
McCulloh, Judith Marie |
McCurdy, Alexander |
McCurry, John Gordon |
McDonald, Audra |
McDonald, Susann |
McDowell, John Herbert |
McDuff, Brother Jack |
McEntire, Reba |
McFerrin, Bobby |
McFerrin, Robert |
McGann, Andy |
McGee, Dennis |
McGhee, Brownie |
McGill, Josephine |
McGinnis, Donald Edward |
McGinty, Doris Evans |
McGraw, Tim |
McGriff, Jimmy |
McGuire, John (Howard) |
McIntire, Lani |
McIntosh County Shouters |
McIntosh, Sylvester |
McIntyre, Makanda Ken |
McKayle, Donald |
McKechnie, Donna |
McKee, Lonette |
McKenna, Dave |
McKenna, John |
McKeown, Susan |
McKinney’s Cotton Pickers |
McKuen, Rod |
McLachlan, Sarah |
McLawler, Sarah |
McLean, Don |
McLean, Jackie |
McLucas, Anne Dhu |
McMichen, Clayton |
McMillen, Hugh E. |
McMurray, Allan |
McNeil, Albert |
McNulty Family |
McPartland, Jimmy |
McPartland, Marian |
McPhatter, Clyde |
McPherson, Aimee (Elizabeth Kennedy) Semple [Sister Aimee] |
McPherson, Charles |
McPherson, Gary E. |
McQuillen, Bob |
McReynolds Brothers |
McShann, Jay |
Mdewkanton |
Mead (Green), Olive |
Mechanical instrument |
Mechem, Kirke |
Medeski, Martin and Wood |
Mees, Arthur |
Meet the Composer |
Meetz, Raymond |
Megadeth |
Megamusical |
Mehldau, Brad |
Mehta, Mehli |
Mehta, Zarin |
Mehta, Zubin |
Melford, Myra |
Mellencamp, John |
Mellor, John H. |
Mem1 |
Menard, D. L. |
Menasce, Jacques de |
Mencken, H. L. |
Mendelssohn Quintette Club |
Mendes, Sérgio |
Mendoza, Lydia |
Menudo |
Mercado, Ralph |
Meridian Arts Ensemble |
Merola, Gaetano |
Merritt, Stephin |
Merz, Karl |
Mescalero |
Messiaen, Olivier |
Messiter, Arthur H |
Methodism |
Metz, Julius |
Meyer, Conrad |
Meyer, Edgar |
Mezzrow, Mezz |
MF Doom |
Miami bass |
Michalsky, Donal R. |
Michel, Donald E. |
Michigan State University |
Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival |
Micmac |
MidAmerican Center for Contemporary Music |
Midgette, Anne |
Midler, Bette |
Midwest |
Miessner, W. Otto |
Mighty Clouds of Joy |
Milano, Roberto |
Milhaud, Darius |
Military music |
Millar, Cynthia |
Millard, Harrison |
Miller, Ann |
Miller, Emmett |
Miller, James |
Miller, Leta |
Miller, Marcus |
Miller, Marilyn |
Miller, Mitch |
Miller, Roger |
Miller, Steve |
Milligan, Harold Vincent |
Millinder, Lucky |
Mills Brothers |
Mills, Irving |
Mills, Kerry |
Mills, Sebastian Bach |
Mingus, Charles |
Minichini, Salvatore |
Miniconjou |
Minimalism |
Minnesota, University of |
Minor Threat |
Miranda, Ismael |
Mischakoff, Mischa |
Mishell, Kathryn |
Mississippi Delta |
Missouri- Kansas City, University of |
Missouri Valley, the |
Missud, Jean |
Mitchell, Albert G. |
Mitchell, Blue |
Mitchell, Nicole |
Mitchell, Red |
Mitchell, Roscoe |
Mitchell’s Christian Singers |
Mizzy, Vic |
Mobile telephone |
Mobile |
Mobley, Hank |
Moby |
Modern dance |
Modern Jazz Quartet, the |
Modirzadeh, Hafez |
Mohawk |
Moilanen, Art |
Molina, Juana |
Moloney, Mick |
Moman, Chips |
Mono, western |
Monroe, Bill |
Monroe, Vaughn |
Monsour, Sally A. |
Montalvo, José |
Montañez, Andy |
Monterey International Pop Festival |
Monteux, Claude |
Montgomery, Merle |
Moody, Dwight L. |
Moody, James |
Moog, Robert A. |
Moondog |
Moore, Brew |
Moore, Earl V. |
Moore, John W. |
Moore, Michael “Daddy” |
Moorhouse, Linda R. |
Morales, Noro |
Moran, Jason |
Morath, Max |
Moravec, Paul |
Moravian Church |
Morel Campos, Juan |
Moreno, Carmencristina |
Moreno, Rita |
Morgan, George Washbourne |
Morgan, Hazel Nohavec |
Morgan, John Paul |
Morgan, Lee |
Morgan, Russell V. |
Morissette, Alanis |
Morlan, Eugene |
Mormon Tabernacle Choir |
Moroder, Giorgio |
Morris, Butch |
Morris, George P. |
Morris, Mark |
Morrison, James |
Morrison, Jim |
Morrison, Toni |
Morrison, Van |
Morros, Boris |
Morrow, Jean |
Morse, (Henry) Woolson |
Morse, Theodore |
Morton, Lawrence |
Moryl, Richard |
Mos Def |
Moseley, Carlos (Du Pré) |
Mosh pit |
Motian, Paul |
Motörhead |
Mount, William Sidney |
Mountain Brothers |
Mouzon, Alphonse |
MP3 |
Mu Beta Psi |
Mu Phi Epsilon |
Muczynski, Robert |
Mueller, John H. |
Muhly, Nico |
Mulder, Richard |
Mullican, Moon |
Mulvihill, Brendan |
Mulvihill, Martin |
Murphy, Mark |
Murphy, Paul F. |
Murphy, Turk |
Murray, Anne |
Murray, Arthur |
Murray, Billy |
Murray, David |
Murray, Diedre |
Murray, Sunny |
Mursell, James L. |
Muscle Shoals |
Museums, music |
Music Education, Philosophy of |
Music Education, Sociology of |
Music education |
Music from China |
Music industry |
Music Learning Theory |
Music National Service |
Music OCLC Users Group |
Music psychology |
Music therapy |
Musical Fund Society |
Musical Mutual Protective Union |
Musical theater dance |
Musical theater |
Musicians Guild of America |
Musicology |
Muskett, Jennie |
Muskogean |
MuzikMafia |
Myers, Amina Claudine |
Myers, David E. |
Myers, Kurtz |
MySpace |
N.W.A. |
Nakasone, Harry |
Nakota [Yankton]. |
Nambe |
Narell, Andy |
Nas |
Nash, Grace C. |
Nash, Lewis |
Nash, Ogden |
Nashville Sound |
National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences |
National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors |
National Association of Collegiate and High School Gospel Choirs |
National Association of Negro Musicians (NANM) |
National Association of Schools of Music |
National Association of Teachers of Singing |
National Band Association |
National Baptist Music Convention |
National Barn Dance |
National Collegiate Choral Organization |
National Conservatory of Music of America |
National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses |
National Council for the Traditional Arts |
National Endowment for the Arts |
National Endowment for the Humanities |
National Federation of Music Clubs NFMC |
National Flute Association |
National Guild of Piano Teachers |
National League of |
National Music Council of the United States |
National Orchestral Association |
National School Band Association |
Native American flute |
Native American music |
Native American popular music |
Naumburg, Walter Wehle |
Navy School of Music |
Ndegeocello, Meshell |
Nebraska, University of |
Negrete, Jorge |
Neidlinger, William Harold |
Nelson, Ken |
Nelson, Oliver |
Nelson, Ricky |
Nelson, Ron |
Nelson, Tracy |
Nelson, Willie |
Neo-soul |
Neruda, Pablo |
New Age |
New Amsterdam Singers |
New Dance Group |
New England |
New England Composers, Schools of |
New England Conservatory |
New Grass Revival |
New Harmony |
New Haven |
New Horizons International Music Association |
New Jack Swing |
New Kids on the Block |
New Lost City Ramblers, the |
New Music USA |
New Orleans Mardi Gras Indians |
New Orleans music |
New River Shasta |
New thing |
New wave |
New World Symphony |
New York Brass Quintet |
New York City Ballet |
New York Philharmonic |
New York Pro Musica Antiqua |
New York Voices |
New York Woodwind Quintet |
New York, State University of |
Neway, Patricia |
Newborn, Phineas Jr |
Newbury, Mickey |
Newman, Anthony |
Newman, David “Fathead” |
Newman, David |
Newman, Lionel |
Newman, Thomas |
Newmedia |
Newton, James |
Newton-John, Olivia |
Ngek, Chum |
Nicholas Brothers |
Nicholas, Albert |
Nicholls, David Roy |
Nichols, Caroline B. |
Nicholson, Stuart |
Nickelback |
Nicks, Stevie |
Nico |
Nigro, Susan |
Niles, John Jacob |
Nilsson, Harry |
9/11 |
Nine Inch Nails |
Nirvana |
Nisenan |
Nisqually |
Nissly, MaryBelle Johns |
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band |
Nixon, Roger |
No Doubt |
No Wave |
Noble, Johnny |
Noble, Weston |
Noge, Yoko |
Noise |
Nolan, Bob |
Noll, Joseph |
Nollman, Jim [James Maurice] |
Nomlaki |
Nonprofit organization |
Nooksack |
Norman, Christina |
Norman, Jessye |
Norman, Jim Ed |
Nortec Collective |
Norteña music |
North American Brass Band Association |
North Carolina School of the Arts, University of |
North Carolina, University of |
North Texas, University of |
Northeast Woodlands Indians |
Northern Blackfoot |
Northwest Coast Indians |
Northwestern University |
Norvo, Red |
Norwood, Dorothy |
Norworth, Jack |
Nostalgia |
Notorious B.I.G., the |
Novak, Yann |
Novarro, Ramón [Samaniego, José Ramón Gil] |
Nü Metal |
Nyro, Laura |
O’Brien, Paddy |
O’Connor, Donald |
O’Connor, Mark |
O’Day, Anita |
O’Day, Molly |
O’Dette, Paul |
O’Farrill, Chico |
O’Meara, Eva Judd |
O’Neill, Francis |
Oak Ridge Boys, the |
Oberheim, Thomas Elroy |
O'Brien, Eugene |
Ochs, Michael |
Ochs, Phil |
Ode |
Odetta |
Ogdon, Will |
Oglala |
Ohman, Phil W. |
Ohrlin, Glenn |
Ojibwe |
Oklahoma, University of |
Okwanachu |
Old way of singing |
Oldberg, Arne |
Old-time music |
Oliva, Giacomo |
Oliveira, Jacques |
Oliver, Sy |
Oliveros, Pauline |
Olivia |
Olsen, Edward |
Onda Grupera |
Oneida |
One-step |
Ono, Yoko |
Onondaga |
Oohenonpa [Two-kettle] |
OPERA America |
Oquendo, Manny |
Oral tradition |
Orchestra |
Orchestral music |
Oregon Bach Festival |
Oregon, University of |
Oregon |
Orff, Carl |
Organ Historical Society |
Organ |
Organization of American Kodály Educators |
Original Gospel Harmonettes |
Orioles, the |
Orion String Quartet |
Orquesta típica |
Orthodox Church |
Ortiz, Luis |
Ortiz, Pablo |
Ortmann, Otto Rudolph |
Osborne Brothers |
Osborne, Mary |
Osby, Greg |
Osgood, Aline |
Osgood, George Laurie |
Osgood, Marion G. |
Osmonds, the |
Ostertag, Bob |
Ostin, Mo |
Ostling, Acton Eric, Sr. |
Oswald, Genevieve |
OutKast |
Outsider music |
Owen, Anita |
Owen, Barbara |
Owen, Charlotte Louise Plummer |
Owens, Buck |
Owens, Harry Robert |
Ozarks, the |
Ozomatli |
P!nk |
P’ungmul |
Pace, Charles Henry |
Pace, LaShun |
Pace, Robert |
Pacheco, Johnny |
Page, Hot Lips |
Page, Robert |
Page, Ruth |
Page, Tim |
Pageant |
Paine, John Knowles |
Palange, Louis S. |
Palladium Ballroom |
Palmer, Earl |
Palmer, Horatio R. |
Palmer, Larry |
Palmieri, Charlie |
Palombo, Paul (Martin) |
Pan, Hermes |
Pandit Pran Nath |
Pan-Indianism |
Papakhian, A. Ralph |
Papas, Sophocles |
Papo Lucca |
Pareles, Jon |
Parent Music Resource Center |
Parisot, Aldo (Simoes) |
Park, Sue-Yeon |
Parker, Charlie |
Parker, William |
parksvandyke |
Parlan, Horace |
Parlor music |
Parmentier, Edward |
Parnas, Leslie |
Parsons, Albert Ross |
Parsons, Gram |
Pärt, Arvo |
Parton, Dolly |
Partsong |
Pasito Duranguense |
Paso doble |
Pass, Joe |
Passamaquoddy |
Pastor, Tony |
Patchwork |
Patitucci, John |
Patriotic music |
Patronage |
Patsy Montana |
Pattison, John Nelson |
Patton, Willard |
Patwin |
Paukert, Karel |
Paul Winter Consort |
Paul, Les |
Paur, Emil |
Pavement |
Pawnee |
Paynter, John Philip |
Payola |
Payton, Nicholas |
Pazmor, Radiana |
Peabody |
Peabody Conservatory |
Peabody, George |
Peace Jubilees |
Peacock, Gary |
Pearce, S Austen |
Pearl, Minnie |
Pearson, Stephen Funk |
Pease, Alfred H |
Peerless Quartet |
Peña, Lito |
Pennington, Eddie |
Pennsylvanians, the |
Penobscot |
Pentecostal and Renewal music |
Pepper, Jim |
Perantoni, Daniel |
Peraza, Armando |
Percussion music |
Percussive Arts Society |
Pere Ubu |
Perez, Irvan |
Performance art |
Performing rights societies |
Perich, Tristan |
Perkins, Henry Southwick |
Perkins, John MacIvor |
Perkins, Walton |
Perkinson, Coleridge-Taylor |
Perry, Edward Baxter |
Perry, Linda |
Person, Houston |
Persuasions, the |
Pete Rock and CL Smooth |
Peter, Paul and Mary |
Petersilea, Carlyle |
Petit, Buddy |
Petrides, Frédérique Joanne |
Petrillo, James C. |
Pettiford, Oscar |
Petty, Tom |
Petzold, Robert G. |
Peyote drum |
Peyote music |
Peyote rattle |
Pfatteicher, Carl F |
Phạm Duy |
Phi Beta |
Phi Beta Mu |
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity |
Phi Mu Gamma |
Philadelphia Ballet |
Philadelphia Woodwind Quintet |
Philadelphia |
Philately, musical |
Philipp, Isidore |
Phillips, Esther |
Phillips, Sam |
Philosophy of music |
Phish |
Pi Kappa Lambda |
Piano Technicians Guild |
Piano |
Piantadosi, Al |
Piastro, Mishel |
Piavosoto |
Picon, Molly |
Picou, Alphonse |
Pieczonka, Albert |
Piegan |
Pierce, Webb |
Pikuni |
Pimsleur, Solomon |
Pine, Rachel Barton |
Pinkard, Maceo |
Pipedreams |
Piquete típico |
Piracy |
Pisaro, Michael |
Pitahawirata |
Pitney, Gene |
Pitts, Lilla Belle |
Pixies, the |
Pizzarelli, Bucky |
Place |
Plains Indians |
Plateau Indians |
Player piano |
Pleasure garden |
Pleskow, Raoul |
Plimpton, Job |
Pointer Sisters, the |
Poister, Arthur William |
Pojoaque |
Political music |
Polka |
Polka |
Pollack, Ben |
Pollack, Howard Joel |
Pollikoff, Max |
Polynesian entertainment |
Pomeroy, Jim [James Calwell, Jr.] |
Pomus, Doc |
Pond, Donald |
Ponty, Jean-Luc |
Poole, Charlie |
Pop |
Pope, W Stuart |
Pops concert |
Popular music |
Portable media device |
Porter, Hugh |
Porter, Quincy |
Portuguese-American music |
Post, Mike |
Postbop |
Postmodern dance |
Postmodernism |
Poulton, George |
Powell, Edward |
Powell, Eleanor |
Powers, Ann |
Powwow |
Pozo, Chano |
Pratt, Carroll C. |
Pratt, Paul |
Prausnitz, Frederik [Frederick] (William) |
Prepared piano |
Presbyterian Church |
Prescott, Gerald Roscoe |
Preservation Hall Jazz Band |
Preservation |
Presser, Theodore |
Preston, Billy |
Preston, Frances |
Preston, Katherine K |
Pretenders, the |
Prévost, Eugène-Prosper |
Price, Harry E. |
Price, Ray |
Pride, Charley |
Primavera String Quartet |
Prince Paul |
Princeton University |
Prine, John |
Prinz, Le Roy |
Prison music |
Producer, record |
Production music |
Proffitt, Frank |
Progressive country music |
Protest song |
Providence |
Pryor, Arthur |
Psalmody |
Psalms, metrical |
Psychedelic rock |
Public Enemy |
Pueblo, western |
Puerling, Gene |
Pulido, Bobby |
Pullen, Don |
Punta |
Puthli, Asha |
Puyallup |
Qi Shu Fang |
Quebradita |
Queen Ida |
Quezada, Milly |
Quinby |
Quintana, Ismael |
Quotation |
Rabinof, Benno |
Race and ethnicity |
Radio, college |
Radio, community |
Radiohead |
Radocy, Rudolf E. |
Raeburn, Boyd |
Rael, Juan Bautista |
Rafferty, Mike |
Rage Against the Machine |
Ragtime dance |
Ragtime |
Rainer |
Raitt, Bonnie |
Rakim |
Ramsey, Buck |
Ramsey, Fred |
Ramsey, Guthrie Perry, Jr. |
Ranchera music |
Rap |
Rapee, Erno |
Rapetti, Michele |
Rasbach, Oscar |
Rasch, Albertina |
Rasmussen, Mary |
Ratliff, Neil M |
Raver, Leonard |
Rawlings, David |
Ray, Johnnie |
Ray, Richie |
Ray, Robert |
Read, Daniel |
Reavy, Ed |
Recording engineer |
Recording Industries Association of America (RIAA) |
Red Baraat |
Red Hot Chili Peppers |
Redd, Freddie |
Redd, Vi |
Reddy, Helen |
Redman, Dewey |
Redman, Don |
Redman, Harry N(ewton) |
Redman, Joshua |
Reed organ |
Reed, H. Owen |
Reed, Henry |
Reed, Ida |
Reed, Jerry |
Reel |
Reese, Mona Lyn |
Reeves, Dianne |
Reeves, George |
Reeves, Jim |
Regelski, Thomas A. |
Reggaeton |
Regional Mexican Music |
Rehrig, William H. |
Reid, L.A. |
Reiff, Anthony, Jr. |
Reiff, Anthony, Sr. |
Reimer, Bennett |
Reinhardt, Django |
Reis, Claire R(aphael) |
Religious dance |
Remington, Emory |
Remo |
Reno and Smiley |
Renz, Frederick |
Replacements, the |
Research Alliance of Institutes for Music Education |
Research Triangle |
Residents, the |
Resistance, music and |
Resnik, Regina |
Revelli, William Donald |
Revolutionary War, the |
Reynolds, Allen |
Reynolds, Belinda |
Reynolds, H. Robert |
Reynolds, Malvina |
Reynolds, Paddy |
Reynolds, Simon |
Rhone, Sylvia |
Rhymesayers Entertainment |
Ribot, Marc |
Rice, Tony |
Rice University |
Rich, Charlie |
Richards, Emerson L |
Richards, J.J. |
Richards, Mary Helen |
Richie, Lionel |
Richman, Jonathan |
Richmond, Dannie |
Richmond |
Riddle, Almeda |
Riders in the Sky |
Riesenfeld, Hugo |
Riley, Ben |
Riley, Teddy |
Rilling, Helmuth |
Ringtone |
Rinzler, Ralph |
Riot grrrl |
Ritchie, Jean |
Ritmanis, Lolita |
Ritter, Frédérick Louis |
Ritter, Tex |
Rivera, Chita |
Rivera, Ismael |
Riverboats |
Rivers, Father Clarence Joseph |
Rivers, Sam |
Roach, Max |
Robb, John Donald |
Robbins, Clive |
Robbins, Jerome |
Robbins, Marty |
Robert Shaw Chorale |
Roberts, Doc |
Roberts, Don L. |
Roberts, John H. |
Roberts, Kay George |
Roberts, Luckey |
Roberts, Marcus |
Roberts, Megan |
Robertson, Eck |
Robertson, Leroy (J.) |
Robertson, Rae |
Robertson, Robbie |
Robeson, Paul |
Robinson, Bill “Bojangles” |
Robinson, Earl |
Robinson, Gertrude Rivers |
Robinson, Ray |
Robison, Carson J |
Robyn |
Roc-a-Fella |
Rock and roll |
Rock en Español |
Rock musical |
Rock |
Rockefeller, Martha Baird |
Rockettes |
Rockmore, Clara |
Rocky Mountains |
Rodgers, Jimmie |
Rodgers, Nile |
Rodríguez, Augusto |
Rodríguez, Pete |
Rodríguez, Santiago |
Roena, Roberto |
Roethke, Theodore |
Roger Wagner Chorale |
Rogers Drum Company |
Rogers, Ginger |
Rogers, James H |
Rogers, Kenny |
Rogers, Roy |
Rogers, Stan |
Rogers, Walter Bowman |
Rojas, Marcus |
Roker, Mickey |
Roland TB-303 |
Roland TR-808 |
Rolland, Paul |
Rolling Stones, the |
Rollini, Adrian |
Rollins, Henry |
Rollinson, Thomas H. |
Roma, Caro |
Roman Catholic Church |
Ronettes, the |
Roos, James |
Roosevelt, Hilborne Lewis |
Root, Deane |
Root, Frederick W. |
Root, George Frederick |
Roots, the |
Rose, Fred |
Roseland Ballroom |
Roseman, Ronald (Ariah) |
Rosen, Jerome |
Rosen, Max |
Rosenberg, Neil V. |
Rosenblatt, Yossele |
Rosenfeld, Monroe H. |
Rosenthal, Laurence |
Rosewoman, Michele |
Rosnes, Renee |
Ross, Alex |
Ross, Annie |
Ross, Brandon |
Ross, Hugh |
Rostropovich, Mstislav |
Rotoli, Augusto |
Rouse, Charlie |
Rousseau, Eugene |
Rova Saxophone Quartet |
Rowan, Eloise |
Rowles, Jimmy |
Rubalcaba, Gonzalo |
Rubin, Rick |
Rubinstein, Beryl |
Rudd, Roswell |
Rudolphsen, John Frederick |
Rudow, Vivian Adelberg |
Ruehr, Elena |
Rugolo, Pete |
Rumba |
Rumshinsky, Joseph |
Runaways, the |
Run-D.M.C |
Rundgren, Todd |
Rush |
Russell, Alexander |
Russell, Andy |
Russell, Anna |
Russell, Arthur |
Russell, Henry |
Russell, Leon |
Russell, Louis Arthur |
Russell, Luis |
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey |
Rutter, John |
Ryan, Thomas |
Ryder, Noah Francis |
Ryder, Thomas Philander, Jr. |
Sacco, P(atrick) Peter |
Sacconi, Fernando |
Sacred music |
Saffer, Lisa |
Safranek, Vincent Frank |
Sager, Carole Bayer |
Saint, The |
Sainte-Marie, Buffy |
Salamunovich, Paul |
Saldívar, Mingo |
Salerno-Sonnenberg, Nadja |
Salsa (ii) |
Salt-N-Pepa |
Samaroff, Olga |
Sampling and sequencing, hip hop |
San Antonio |
San Carlos |
San Felipe |
San Francisco Ballet |
San Francisco Tape Music Center |
San Ildefonso |
San Juan |
Sánchez Gutiérrez, Carlos Daniel |
Sánchez, Chalino |
Sánchez, Poncho |
Sanchez, Roger |
Sandburg, Carl |
Sanders, Pharoah |
Sanders, Samuel |
Sandia |
Sandoval, Arturo |
Sandow, Greg |
Sängerfest |
Sanneh, Kelefa |
Sanromá, Jesús María |
Sans Arcs |
Santa Ana |
Santa Clara |
Santa Fe |
Santa Rosa, Gilberto |
Santaolalla, Gustavo |
Santee [Dakota] |
Santelmann, William Frederick Henry |
Santelmann, William Henry |
Santo Domingo |
Santos, Daniel |
Sarnoff, David |
Saroni, Herrman S. |
Satherley, Art |
Satter, Gustave |
Saunders, Russell |
Savannah |
Savoy Ballroom |
Seward, Theodore F(relinghuysen) |
Sawtell, Paul |
Sawyer, Jacob J. |
Scala, Francis |
Scalero, Rosario |
Scavarda, Donald |
Schafer, R. Murray |
Scharf, Walter |
Scharfenberg, William |
Scheel, Fritz |
Schein, Ann |
Schlesinger, Daniel |
Schlitz, Don |
Schmidt, Charles P. |
Schmidt, Daniel W(inslow) |
Schnabel, Artur |
Schneider, Edward F(aber) |
Schoen, Max |
Schoenbach, Sol(omon Israel) |
Schoenefeld, Henry |
Schoolhouse Rock! |
Schorsch, Sister Josepha |
Schottische |
Schradieck, Henry |
Schreiner, Alexander |
Schub, André-Michel |
Schubel, Max |
Schuller, Gunther |
Schultze, William Henry |
Schuman, William |
Schumann, Walter |
Schwadron, Abraham A. |
Schwann, William |
Schwartz, Lloyd |
Schwarzer, Franz |
Schwerké, Irving |
Scott, Hazel Dorothy |
Scott, Jane |
Scott, Jimmy |
Scott, Raymond |
Scott, Shirley |
Scott, Tony |
Scratching |
Scruggs, Earl |
Search, Frederick Preston |
Sears, William W. |
Secola, Keith |
Sedaka, Neil |
Seeger, Charles |
Seeger, Mike |
Seeger, Peggy |
Seeger, Pete R. |
Seely, Jeannie |
Seger, Bob |
Seidel, Toscha |
Seis puertorriqueño |
Seitz, Roland Forrest |
Seldom Scene |
Selena |
Sellars, Peter |
Selmer |
Seltmann, Ernst Theodor |
Seltzer, Frank R.E. |
Seneca |
Sensational Nightingales |
Sentz, Carl |
Sequoia String Quartet |
Seraphinoff, Richard |
Serra, Junípero |
SESAC Inc. |
Settlement Houses |
Seventh-day Adventists |
Sex, sexuality |
Seyoum, Moges |
Shackelford, Rudy |
Shaffer, Paul |
Shaheen, Simon |
Shaiman, Marc |
Shakers |
Shakira |
Shakur, Tupac |
Shankar, Anoushka |
Shannon, Del |
Shanté, Roxanne |
Shape-note hymnody |
Sharrock, Sonny |
Shavers, Charlie |
Shaw, (Francis) Harold |
Shaw, Kirby |
Shaw, Robert |
Shaw, Woody |
Shawn, Ted |
Shea, George Beverly |
Sheet music |
Sheinfeld, David |
Sheldon, Mary Seney |
Sheller, Marty |
Shelley, Harry Rowe |
Shepp, Archie |
Sherman, Russell |
Sherrill, Billy |
Sherwin, William F(isk) |
Sherwood, William H |
Shields, Alice |
Shimabukuro, Jake |
Shindo, Tak |
Sholes, Steve |
Shore, Howard Leslie |
Shorty George |
Shout music |
Show choir |
Showalter, A. J. |
Shreveport |
Shure, Leonard |
Siberry, Jane |
Sibley, Henry |
Sigma Alpha Iota |
Sihasapa |
Silk Road Project, the |
Silva, Chelo |
Silverman, Faye-Ellen |
Silvers, Louis |
Silverstein, Shel |
Silvestri, Alan |
Simmons, Russell |
Simon, Carly |
Simon, Frank |
Simon, Walter Cleveland |
Simone, Nina |
Simpson, Eugene Thamon |
Sims, Wendy L. |
Sims, Zoot |
Sinatra, Frank |
Singenberger, Johannes Baptist |
Singer, Otto |
Singing |
Singing-school |
Singleton, Shelby |
Siouan |
Sioux |
Sirota, Robert |
Sisseton |
Skaggs, Ricky |
Skagit |
Skiri |
Slater, Moses |
Slatkin, Leonard |
Sleater-Kinney |
Sleeper, Henry Dike |
Slenczynska, Ruth |
Slick, Grace |
Slingerland |
Slow drag |
Smashing Pumpkins |
Smiley, Red |
Smiraglia, Richard P. |
Smith, “Dr.” Lonnie |
Smith, “Fiddlin’” Arthur |
Smith, Catherine Parsons |
Smith, Chas |
Smith, Chris |
Smith, Eleanor |
Smith, Federico |
Smith, Gregg |
Smith, Gustave |
Smith, Hobart |
Smith, Irene Britton |
Smith, Jabbo |
Smith, Joe |
Smith, Johnny |
Smith, Larry |