Editorial Board and Advisory Panel

The Grove Music program at Oxford University Press has an editorial board of six distinguished scholars who guide the long-term development of Grove. The board advises on the needs of users, reviews updates to existing content, makes recommendations for new content, and advises on policies that affect both Grove and Oxford Music Online.

The advisory panel, made up of representatives nominated by eight societies devoted to music scholarship, advises the editors on all aspects of Grove’s development, and each member serves as a liaison between Grove and his or her society’s community.

Major project editors oversee the scholarship and production of Grove’s specialized works.

Editorial Board

Deane Root Deane Root (Editor in Chief), University of Pittsburgh, Emeritus

Philip V. Bohlman Philip V. Bohlman, University of Chicago

Jonathan Cross Jonathan Cross, Christ Church, University of Oxford

Tammy L. Kernodle Tammy L. Kernodle, Miami University

Honey Meconi Honey Meconi, University of Rochester

John H. Roberts John H. Roberts, University of California–Berkeley, Emeritus

Major Project Editors

Philip V. Bohlman, University of Chicago, Professor; Timothy Rommen, University of Pennsylvania, Professor; and Lars-Christian Koch, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Director
Editors in Chief, Grove Musics in Global Perspective

Walter A. Clark, University of Carlifornia, Riverside, Distinguished Professor
Editor in Chief, Grove Music Online Latin American and Iberian Music

Kimberly Francis, University of Guelph, Professor, and Tes Slominski, Independent Scholar
Editors in Chief, Grove Music Online Women, Gender, and Sexuality

Charles Hiroshi Garrett, University of Michigan
Editor in Chief, The Grove Dictionary of American Music, 2nd edition

Barry Kernfeld
Editor in Chief, The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, 2nd edition

Laurence Libin, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), Emeritus
Editor in Chief, The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd edition

Jim Samson, Royal Holloway, University of London, Emeritus
Editor in Chief: Grove Music Online: South East and East Central Europe

Richard Toop (1945-2017), The University of Sydney
Area Editor, Grove Music Online Australia Update

Grove Music Online French Music of the "Long" 19th Century

Grove Music Online Seventeenth-Century Update

Advisory Panel

Mark Berry, Royal Musical Association (RMA), Royal Holloway, University of London
Zdravko Blažeković, International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), City University of New York
Anna Maria Busse Berger, International Musicological Society (IMS), University of California, Davis
James P. Cassaro, International Association of Music Libraries (IAML), University of Pittsburgh
Alan Dodson, Society for Music Theory (SMT), Mount Allison University
Roger Mathew Grant, American Musicological Society (AMS), Wesleyan University
Laura Gayle Green, Music Library Association (MLA), Florida State University
R. Anderson Sutton, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM), University of Hawai'i

Editorial Staff

Scott Gleason, Acquisitions Editor (GroveMusic.Editor@oup.com)

Ryan de Laureal, Project Editor

Angeline Matthews, Editorial Assistant