Grove Musics in Global Perspective
“Grove Musics in Global Perspective” takes the already international Grove Music Online in even more global directions by including all musics of the world as its subject matter. GMGP does not begin and end as area studies, nor does it restrict geographic coverage to national boundaries, but rather takes the interconnectivity and disciplinary diversity of musics and musicians as a point of departure.
The first volume of GMGP, The Study of World Music: Ethnomusicology, Popular Music Studies, Sound Studies, takes as its subject matter the ideas that have led scholars to make the study of music truly global. The fields, disciplines, and, above all, ideas that lead us to think about and practice music in its global diversity constitute the subject of GMGP1. Together, the essays and entries in the volume form a history of ideas for the study of music throughout the world. The traditional interdisciplinarity of ethnomusicology—its intersections with anthropology, musicology, dance ethnology, folklore studies—is brought into direct conversation and exchange with fields of scholarship that have emerged more recently, especially popular music studies and sound studies. It is the prospects for shaping the future of music scholarship in the twenty-first century—and globally so—that each contributor to GMGP1 will fully embrace.
Editors in Chief
Philip V. Bohlman is Ludwig Rosenberger Distinguished Service Professor in Jewish History, Music, and Humanities at the University of Chicago, where he also serves as Artistic Director of the ensemble-in-residence, New Budapest Orpheum Society. He holds a BM in piano performance from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and he completed both master’s and Ph.D. studies in ethnomusicology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Internationally, he serves as Honorarprofessor at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover, and was awarded the degree of Doctor honoris causa by the Romanian National University of Music Bucharest. Phil Bohlman’s teaching and research draw upon diverse methods and perspectives in music scholarship to forge an ethnomusicology built upon foundations in ethnography, history, and performance. Among his most recent publications are Song Loves the Masses: Herder on Music and Nationalism (with J. G. Herder, University of California Press 2017), Wie sängen wir Seinen Gesang auf dem Boden der Fremde! (LIT Verlag 2019), World Music: A Very Short Introduction (2nd ed., Oxford University Press 2020), and Wolokolamsker Chaussee (Bloomsbury 2021). From 2011 to 2022 he served as co-editor of Acta Musicologica, and since 2008 he has been an Editorial Board Member of Grove Music Online.
Lars-Christian Koch is Director of the Ethnology Museum and the Museum for Asian Art in the Humboldt Forum of Berlin. He serves as Professor for Ethnomusicology at the University of Cologne, and Honorary Professor for Ethnomusicology at the University of the Arts and the Humboldt University in Berlin. He has taught as Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna and at the University of Chicago. He has conducted fieldwork in India, as well as in South Korea. His research focuses on the theory and practice of North Indian rāga music, organology with special focus on instrument manufacturing, Buddhist music, popular music and urban culture, historical recordings, and music archaeology. In 2003, he was appointed Head of the Department of Ethnomusicology and the Berlin Phonogram Archive at the Museum of Ethnology in Berlin, where he also served as co-editor of its CD and publication series, “Historical Sound Documents.” He is a performer on the guitar and the sitar, which he studied intensively in Bonn and Santiniketan, India. His publications include Sitar and Surbahar Manufacturing: The Tradition of Kanailal & Brother, Kolkata (SMB, 2011), My Heart Sings: Die Lieder Rabindranath Tagores zwischen Tradition und Moderne (LIT, 2011), and Musikethnologie (WBG Academic, 2020).
Timothy Rommen (Ph.D. University of Chicago, 2002) is the Davidson Kennedy Professor in the College at the University of Pennsylvania, where he holds appointments in the Departments of Music and Africana Studies. He specializes in the music of the Caribbean with research interests that include popular music, sacred music, coloniality, ethics, tourism, diaspora, and the intellectual history of ethnomusicology. His first book, entitled "Mek Some Noise": Gospel Music and the Ethics of Style in Trinidad (University of California Press, 2007), was awarded the Alan P. Merriam Prize by the Society for Ethnomusicology in 2008. He is also the author of “Funky Nassau”: Roots, Routes, and Representation in Bahamian Popular Music (University of California Press, 2011). He is contributing author to and co-editor, with Daniel Neely, of Sun, Sea, and Sound: Music and Tourism in the Circum-Caribbean (Oxford University Press, 2014). He is also contributing author to and co-editor, with Jocelyne Guilbault, of Sounds of Vacation: Political Economies of Caribbean Tourism (Duke University Press, 2019). Rommen is co-editor, with Philip V. Bohlman, of the Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology book series (University of Chicago Press) and editor of and contributing author to Excursions in World Music (Routledge).