Seventeenth-Century Music

 Society for Seventeenth-Century Music

Grove is pleased to partner with the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music in an ongoing update project, in which members of the society advise the Grove editorial staff and editorial board on the revision needs of our 17th century content.


About the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music

The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music is dedicated to the study and performance of seventeenth-century music and related arts. The Society currently includes more than 250 members and over two hundred additional international subscribers to its electronic newslist SSCM-L. The Society also publishes the on-line, peer-reviewed scholarly Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music (JSCM); JSCM Instrumenta, an on-line reference series; and the Web Library of Seventeenth-Century Music (WLSCM), an on-line collection of performing and study scores in scholarly editions.

Participating members include/have included:



Catherine Gordon (chair)

Rebecca Harris-Warrick (former chair)
Amanda Eubanks Winkler (former chair)
Linda Austern
Candace Bailey
Gregory Barnett
Peter Bennett
Mauro Calcagno
Drew Davies
Michael Dodds
Don Fader
Alexander J. Fisher
Mary Frandsen


Roger Freitas
Jonathan Glixon
Rebecca Herissone
Javier Marín
Colleen Reardon
Craig H. Russell
Catherine Gordon Seifert
Arne Spohr
Louise K. Stein
Andrew H. Weaver
Andrew Woolley


Jeffrey Kurtzman
Jeffery Kite Powell
Graham Sadler
Steve Saunders