Oxford Dictionary of Music

Sixth Edition Revised
Edited by Tim Rutherford-Johnson, Michael Kennedy, and Joyce Bourne

With over 10,000 entries, the Oxford Dictionary of Music (previously the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music) offers broad coverage of a wide range of musical categories spanning many eras, including composers, librettists, sinters, orchestras, important ballets and operas, and musical instruments and their history. More than 250 new entries have been added to this edition to expand coverage of popular music, ethnomusicology, modern and contemporary composers, music analysis, and recording technology. Existing entries have been expanded where necessary to include more coverage of the reception of major works, and to include key new works and categories, such as multimedia. This essential work is now available as a part of a subscription to Grove Music Online.

The Oxford Dictionary of Music is the most up-to-date and accessible dictionary of musical terms available and is an essential point of reference for music students, teachers, lecturers, and professional musicians, as well as music enthusiasts.

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