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Benkó, Sándor  

Géza Gábor Simon and Rainer E. Lotz

As leader of Benkó Dixieland Band Benkó Dixieland Band (1972, Pepita 17440) with A. Nicholas and F. George: Benkó Dixieland Band with Albert Nicholas and Fatty George (1972, 1974, Pepita 17479) with W. B. Davison and G. Probert: Jubileum (1977, Pepita 17545) Live at Budapest Sportscarnok: Side by Side (1982, Krém 17764) Tribute to Louis Armstrong (1996, Gong 37880) Bibliography G. Koltay : Benkó Dixieland Band Story (Budapest, 1982) A. KőÍ , ed.: Benkó Dixieland Band


Benkő, András  

István Lakatos

Benkő, András [ Andrei ] ( b Feiurdeni, Cluj , Jan 21, 1923 ). Romanian musicologist of Hungarian descent. He studied at the Cluj Conservatory ( 1946–50 ), where his teachers included Major, Mureşianu and Lakatos, and took the state music teacher’s diploma in 1951. He was secretary of the Cluj Béla Bartók Choir ( 1948–9 ) before joining the department of composition and musicology at the Cluj Conservatory in 1949 , becoming lecturer ( 1952–67 ) and reader ( 1967–85 ). He took the doctorate at the Cluj Conservatory in 1977 , with a dissertation


Jagamas, János  

András Benkő

revised by Ferenc László

Hungarian folksong on a fifths structure and the fugal exposition], Zenetudományi írások , ed. A. Benkő (Bucharest, 1980), 263–70 ‘Bartók Béla: A magyar népdal: hatvan esztendő távlatából’ [Bartók: The Hungarian folksong : a perspective 60 years after it was published], Bartók-dolgozatok 1981 , ed. F. László (Bucharest, 1982), 127–46 ‘Népdalgyűjtés a hétfalusi csángók között’ [Folksong collection at the Csángós of Hétfalu], Zenetudományi írások , ed. A. Benkő (Bucharest, 1983), 85–117 A népzene mikrokozmoszában [In the microcosm of folk music], ed. I. Almási


Hofmann, Josef  

Gregor Benko

Playing ) Bibliography A. Chasins : Speaking of Pianists (New York, 1957, 2/1961/ R ) H.C. Schonberg : The Great Pianists (New York, 1963, 2/1987) N.S. Graydon : The Amazing Marriage of Marie Eustis & Josef Hofmann (Columbia, SC, 1965) A.F.R. Lawrence and G. Benko : ‘Josef Hofmann Discography’, International Piano Library Bulletin , 1 (1967), no.2, p.9; nos.3–4, p.11; ii (1968), no.1, p.3; no.3, p.3


Szenik, Ilona  

András Benkő

revised by Ferenc László

instrumental music], Bartók-dolgozatok 1981 , ed. F. László (Bucharest, 1982), 147–74 ‘Egy új stílus-mintájú nyugatias dallamcsoport román változatainak folklorizálódása’ [Romanian variants of an assimilated western European new-style tune group], Zenetudományi írások , ed. A. Benkő (Bucharest, 1983), 118–30 ‘Az erdélyi strófikus siratók’ [The strophic laments in Transylvania], Utunk Kodályhoz , ed. F. László (Bucharest, 1984), 52–68 with L. Iştoc : ‘Proiect de clasificare a melodiilor populare vocale’ [A project on the classification of folk melodies]


László, Ferenc  

András Benkő

revised by ValentinaSandu-Dediu


(b Cluj, Romania, May 8, 1937; d Cluj, March 17, 2010). Hungarian-Romanian musicologist and flautist. He graduated from the Conservatory in Cluj in 1959 and then became flautist in the Sibiu State Philharmonic (1959–65), chamber music instructor at the Cluj Music School (1966–70), senior assistant and later associate professor in the chamber music department of the Bucharest Conservatory (1970–91), and associate professor and later professor of chamber music and organology at the Academy of Music in Cluj-Napoca (1991–2007). He gave up his playing career in the 1970s, and began to concentrate more on journalism and musicology. A self-taught musicologist, he wrote extensive criticism and numerous studies, notably on the music of Bartók, in both Romanian and Hungarian. He was the founding president of the Romanian Mozart Society and the artistic director of the Cluj Mozart Festival. Among the numerous distinctions he received are the Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, awarded by the federal president of Austria (...


Kittel, Johann Heinrich  

John H. Baron

choirboys he had as pupil in 1669 Johann Kuhnau, who left after a year, however, because ‘the instruction was severe’. His set of 12 keyboard preludes in successive keys, Tabulatura Num: 12 Praeambulorum und einem Capriccio von eben 12 Variationen ( RO-BRm Mus.808; selections ed. D. Benko and Z. Pertis, Budapest, 1977 ), written by 1682 , is one of the earliest predecessors of Bach’s Das wohltemperirte Clavier. For Bibliography see Kittel family


Pannon Jazz  

Géza Gábor Simon

From 1997 it has operated in conjunction with the affiliated label Pannon Classic, and from 2000 with the affiliated label Pannon Archiv. It has issued approximately ten to 12 CDs per year in all periods and all styles of Hungarian jazz, notably by such groups and musicians as the Benkó Dixieland Band, the Trio Acoustic, the Trio Midnight, Lajos Dudás, Laszlo Gardony, Yochkó Seffer, and Tony Lakatos, as well as historical reissues of Hungarian gypsy ragtime and Hungarian swing and some previously unissued and rare recordings. (G. G. Simon: Magyar jazztőrtéret [Hungarian


Farkas, Ödön  

John S. Weissmann

research of J. Seprődi], ed. I. Almási , A. Benkő and I. Lakatos (Bucharest, 1974), 79–81 [Ger. summary, 494–5] G. Farkas : ‘Emlékezés Farkas Ödönre’ [Memories of Farkas], Pásztortüz , 26 (1940) I. Lakatos : ‘Az erdélyi Farkas Ödön gondolatai a magyar zenéről’ [The ideas of the Transylvanian Ödön Farkas about Hungarian music], A zene , 24 (1942–3), 51–5 I. Lakatos : ‘A kolozsvári magyar zeneélet alapvetője’ [The founder of Hungarian musical life at Kolozsvár], Magyar zenei szemle , 3 (1943), 249–58 J. Benkő : ‘Dallamrészletek és dramaturgiai jelentéskörük


Croner, Daniel  

Viorel Cosma

departure from early church modes, and the frequent introduction of the pedal. The inclusion of all 25 pieces from J.E. Kindermann’s Harmonia organica ( 1645 ) illustrates the retrospective character of the tablatures compiled by Croner between 1681 and 1684 (ed. A. Pernye, D. Benkö and K. Fittler as Tabulature (Budapest, 1987 ); some ed. A. Porfetye (Weisbaden, 1971–2 )). Quite interesting and original (in view of information expressed in earlier treatises) are the fingering methods he recommended for keyboard instruments and the finger extension principle


Probert, George  

Georg Brunis ( 1957 , 1968 ). From 1973 Probert led bands that performed traditional jazz on the West Coast and in Europe: he appeared frequently in the Netherlands at the Oude Stijl Jazz Festival Breda and recorded at the Manassas Jazz Festival ( 1973 ) and in Budapest with the Benkó Dixieland Band ( 1978 ). While continuing to tour extensively and to perform at jazz festivals, in the mid-1990s he recorded as a leader (notably the album By George! It’s Probert in England , 1995 , Jazz Crusade 3021) and with Bob Helm as a member of the small group Reed Renaissance


Seprődi, János  

Márta Szekeres-Farkas

revised by Ferenc László

Benedek : ‘Az első erdélyi népzenekutató’ [The first Transylvanian folk music researcher], Világosság , 4 (1947), 315 J. Demény : ‘Seprődi János’, Új zenei szemle , 5/7–8 (1954), 35–8 A. Benkő , ed.: Seprődi János válogatott zenei írásai és népzenei gyűjtése [Seprődi’s selected writings on music and folksong collections] (Bucharest, 1974) [incl. introduction by I. Almási , A. Benkő and I. Lakatos , and complete list of pubns]


Chalía, Rosalía  

John Koegel

, ? Nov 17, 1863 / 1864; d Havana, Cuba Nov 16, 1948 ). Opera singer and pioneering recording artist of Cuban birth. She used the stage name of Chalía—the diminuitive form of Rosalía—and is viewed as the “first great vocalist to make an extensive series of recordings” (Benko and Holdridge). Chalía was the daughter of the head of the Spanish naval post in Havana, and after studying piano, violin, and voice in Cuba, she moved to New York in 1893 , where she studied voice with Cuban émigré musician Emilio Agramonte y Piña and reportedly made her professional


Caudella [Kandela], Philipp  

Ferenc László

Caudella [The life of Caudella]’, Studii de muzicologie , 16 (1981), 177–202 G. Papp : ‘Caudella’, Brockhaus-Riemann Zenei Lexikon (Budapest, 1983), 302–3 F. László : ‘Adalok Philipp Caudella életrajzához’ [Data for Philipp Caudella's biography], Zenetudományi írások , ed. A. Benkő (Bucharest, 1980), 120–52 [incl. Ger. summary]


Houston, Elsie  

Darién Davis

Bandeira’s surrealist poem Berimbau with music by Jayme Ovalle. By the 1940s, Houston had become a major global pioneer and promoter of Brazilian popular, folklore, and concert music, song, and dance. She died in 1943 in an apparent suicide. Bibliography E. Blickstein and G. Benko : Elsie Houston: Queen of Brazilian Song , Marston, 2003 (CD) M. Siegel : ‘Sound Empire: Elsie Houston’, Audible Empire: Music, Global Politics, Critique , ed. R. Radano and T. Olaniyan (Durham, NC, 2016)


Almási, István  

Ferenc László

népzenegyűjtése’ [Lajos Kocsis’s folk music collection at the beginning of the century], Zenetudományi írások , ed. A. Benkő (Bucharest, 1980), 271–97 ‘Principiile lui Bartók şi Brăiloiu privind metoda de culegere a folclorului’ [Bartók’s and Brăiloiu’s principles concerning the method of folk music collection], Anuarul de folclor , 2 (1981), 18–27 ‘Sorvégelnyelés népdalainkban’ [The apocope in our folksongs], Zenetudományi írások , ed. A. Benkő (Bucharest, 1983), 131–41 ‘Kodály és az erdélyi népzenekutatás’ [Kodály and folk music research in Transylvania]


Waissel [Waisselius], Matthäus  

Hans Radke

revised by Wolfgang Boetticher and Christian Meyer

Tabulatura continens insignes et selectissmas quasque cantiones, testitudini aptatas, lute (1573 27 ) ed. D. Benkő (Budapest, 1980) Tabulatura allerley künstlicher Preambulen, auserlesener deudtscher und polnischer Tentze, lute (1591) 5 ed. W. Pudelko (Augsburg, 1925) Lautenbuch darinn von der Tabulatur und Application der Lauten gründlicher und voller Unterricht, lute (1592) ed. D. Benkő (Budapest, 1984) Tabulatura guter gemeiner deudtscher Tentze, 1, 2 lutes (1592) Chorea, 2 fantasias, 3 preludes


Buttykay, Ákos  

John S. Weissmann

Buttykay, Ákos ( de Gálszécs et Buttka ) ( b Halmi [now Halmeu], Romania , July 22, 1871; d Debrecen , Oct 26, 1935 ). Hungarian composer and pianist. From 1885 he studied the piano with Tomka and Székely and composition with Benkő at the National Conservatory, Budapest. In deference to parental wishes he read law ( 1888–94 ), but concurrently studied the piano with Thomán and composition with Herzfeld at the National Hungarian Royal Academy of Music. He went to Weimar in 1894 to complete his piano studies under Stavenhagen, and he appeared


Abondante [Abundante, dal Pestrino], Giulio  

Henry Sybrandy

some of the dances the chordal structure is enlivened by continuous passage-work. Works for lute; published in Venice Intabolatura … sopra el lauto de ogni sorte de balli … libro primo (1546; repr. 1563 as Intabolatura di liuto … libro primo); 1546 edn ed. D. Benkö (Budapest, 1981) 1563 reprint ed. in Lefkoff; 7 pieces ed. in Moe Intabolatura di lautto, libro secondo madrigali … canzoni franzese. mottetti, recercari di fantasia, napolitane, intabulati & accomodati per sonar di lautto (1548¹²) 4 ed. in Chilesotti, 1901–2 and


Angi, Ştefan  

Gabriel Banciu and Cristina Şuteu

founder of musical aesthetics in Romania. Ştefan Angi studied at Cluj-Napoca Conservatory ( 1953–8 ) where his teachers included Márkos Albert (music theory), Jodál Gabor (harmony), Max Eisikovits (counterpoint), Jagamas János (forms), Földes László (aesthetics), Lakatos István and Benkő András (music history), Zsurka Péter (violin), Ana Voileanu-Nicoară (chamber music), Antonin Ciolan (orchestral ensemble), and Szenik Ilona (folklore). He then studied at Lomonosov Moscow State University ( 1963–5 ), with the philosopher Valentin Ferdinandovich Asmus, where he graduated